DSNU122I csect-name USER user-id NOT AUTHORIZED FOR util-name UTILITY ON THE OBJECT object-type obj-qual.obj-name IN THE IMPLICIT DATABASE db-name


User user-id attempted to execute a utility util-name against an object in the implicit database db-name. The user either does not have ownership of the object in the implicit database, has no DSNDB04 authorization or was not given authorization to execute utilities on object obj-name.

System action

Utility processing is not initiated.

System programmer response

Determine why the user was denied access. Either the authorization should be corrected, or another authorized user should invoke the utility.

User response

Ensure that the correct database was specified. If this operation involves a table with multilevel security with row granularity, then this user needs to have a valid security label to execute this utility. If this error occurred processing a LISTDEF list, alter the list to exclude the objects that lack proper authorization. If the list cannot be modified, OPTIONS EVENT(ITEMERROR, SKIP) may be used to continue processing when this error occurs.

Problem determination

The following catalog tables can be examined to determine who has the proper authority: SYSIBM.SYSUSERAUTH, SYSIBM.SYSDBAUTH, SYSIBM.SYSRESAUTH, SYSIBM.SYSINDEXES (ownership), or SYSIBM. SYSTABLESPACE (ownership).


12 (severe error)