DSNU1107I csect-name - UNIQUE INDEX KEY DUPLICATES KEY OF INDEXED ROW AT RID record-id INDEX = index-name TABLE = table-name RECNO = record-number FOR PART = partition RID = duplicate-id


A duplicate key or duplicate hash key was identified during a parallel LOAD operation. The indicated input data set record was loaded into a table partition, but it duplicates either a hash key or the key value of an existing record, which causes a unique index violation.

The name of the control section that issued the message.
The record ID where the input data set was loaded.
The name of the index.
The name of the table.
The number for the record in the input data set to load.
The record ID of the duplicate key value.

System action

Processing continues.

No index entry is created for the record at RID duplicate-id. The record will be deleted in a subsequent phase of processing.

User response

No action is required.


4 (warning)