Start of change

DSNU1001I csect-name - LISTDEF list-name CLAUSE IDENTIFIES NO NEW OBJECTS: clause-type object-type object-qualifier.object-name


An INCLUDE or EXCLUDE clause of a LISTDEF utility control statement returned no new objects.

The name of the control section that issued the message.
The name of the list.
The type of clause: INCLUDE or EXCLUDE.
The type of object.
The name of the object, as a qualified name.

This message is caused by one or more of the following conditions:

  • The clause returned no objects.
  • The clause returned objects that were already included or excluded by previous clauses.
  • The clause returned undefined objects and neither DEFINED NO nor DEFINED ALL is specified.
  • The clause returned objects with incomplete definitions. These objects are not included in or excluded from the list, depending on whether the clause is an INCLUDE or EXCLUDE clause.

System action

Utility processing continues.

The total number of objects covered by the LISTDEF did not change as a result of this clause.

User response

No immediate response is required. To prevent this message in the future, update the clause.

To include undefined objects in the list, specify the DEFINED ALL option in the LISTDEF statement.


4 (warning)

End of change