

A resource was unavailable. Some of the circumstances in which this reason code is issued are:

  • The Db2 database manager attempted to read the log for a READS request for IFCID 0306.
  • Information about the maximum length of LOB column data in the SPT01 directory table space was not available because the Db2 catalog and directory was undergoing point-in-time recovery. This reason code is generated as part of DISPLAY GROUP output.

System action

SQLCODE -904 is returned to the user.

User response

If the resource was unavailable when the database manager attempted to read the log for a READS request for IFCID 0306, reissue the request. If the problem persists, you might need to report the problem. For information about identifying and reporting the problem, see Collecting diagnostic data.

If the resource was unavailable because information about the maximum length of LOB column data in the SPT01 directory table space was not available, no action is necessary.