Altering a page set to contain Db2-defined extents

After you use the RECOVER utility to run the DFSMSdss RESTORE command, you must alter the page set to contain extents that are defined by Db2.

About this task

This step is required because the DFSMSdss RESTORE command extends a data set differently than Db2.


To alter a page set to contain extents that are defined by Db2:

  1. Issue the ALTER TABLESPACE SQL statement.

    After you use the ALTER TABLESPACE statement, the new values take affect only when you use REORG or LOAD REPLACE.

  2. Enlarge the primary and secondary space allocation values for Db2-managed data sets.

What to do next

Using the RECOVER utility again does not resolve the extent definition.

For user-defined data sets, define the data sets with larger primary and secondary space allocation values.