SVC dumps

For all abends, DB2® recovery routines request SVC dumps. SVC dumps that are issued by DB2 are the primary source of diagnostic information for DB2 problems.

When you review these dumps, keep in mind the following information:

  • These dumps reflect the multiple address space environment in which DB2 was operating at the time of the failure.
  • When DB2 requests the capture of pertinent DB2 storage areas as summary dump data (SUMLSTA), z/OS® suspends DB2 and copies these areas into the z/OS dump services address space. This action preserves the status of these areas at time of error during subsequent DB2 recovery processing.

    Processing of the z/OS dump services address space and capturing of more non-summary storage areas that are specified by DB2 are performed asynchronously to DB2 recovery processing once z/OS resumes DB2.

  • The non-summary portion of the dump consists of the primary, secondary, and home address spaces.
  • The dumps can be formatted or unformatted (this information refers to both). In most instances, use formatted dumps.
  • z/OS provides two indexes in formatted dumps ("Print Dump Index" and "SUMDUMP Dump Index"), which help to locate particular storage areas.