
Diagnostics deal with warning or error conditions that are generated within an application.

DB2® ODBC functions generate two levels of diagnostics:
  • Return codes
  • Detailed diagnostics (SQLSTATEs, messages, SQLCA)

Each DB2 ODBC function returns the function return code as a basic diagnostic. The SQLGetDiagRec() function provides more detailed diagnostic information. The SQLGetSQLCA() function provides access to the SQLCA, if the diagnostic is reported by the data source. This arrangement lets applications handle the basic flow control, and the SQLSTATEs allow determination of the specific causes of failure.

The SQLGetDiagRec() function returns the following three pieces of information:
  • Native error: if the diagnostic is detected by the data source, this is the SQLCODE; otherwise, this is set to -99999.
  • Message text: this is the message text associated with the SQLSTATE.