Specifying CCSIDs for C/C++ applications when using the DB2 coprocessor

If you use the DB2® coprocessor to prepare a C/C++ application with SQL statements, use the C/C++ compiler to specify the CCSID of the application source. Use DB2 mechanisms to specify the CCSID of the application data that is manipulated in SQL statements.


To specify CCSIDs for C/C++ applications when using the DB2 coprocessor:

  1. Specify the CCSID for the source code by specifying a LOCALE value.
    Example: The following JCL EXEC statements for C compile jobs specify a CCSID of 1047. The first statement specifies a LOCALE for U.S. applications. The second statement specifies a LOCALE for German applications.

    Alternatively, you can use other more advanced methods to specify the CCSID of the source code and any data that is outside of SQL statements. For more information about those methods, see the internationalization information in the C/C++ Programming Guide.

    Otherwise, if you do not specify a CCSID to the C/C++ compiler, the default C/C++ LOCALE of 1047 is passed to the DB2 coprocessor.

    Example: The following JCL EXEC statements for a C compile job does not specify a LOCALE value. Therefore, the default value of 1047 is passed to the DB2 coprocessor.
    Recommendation: If you are using the DB2 coprocessor on a C/C++ application, do not specify the SQL compiler option with the CCSID suboption. If you specify it anyway, and it conflicts with the LOCALE value, DB2 issues a warning. For example, the following EXEC statement for a C compile job specifies a CCSID value of 1047; the CCSID value 37 is ignored:
  2. Specify the CCSID for data within SQL statements by specifying a value for the ENCODING bind option bind option or accept the subsystem default application encoding scheme (the DECP value APPENSCH). This value is used as the CCSID for the application data.
  3. To override the CCSID for particular host variables or parameter markers, use the DECLARE VARIABLE statement or CURRENT APPLICATION ENCODING SCHEME special register. If you need help using either of these techniques, following the instructions in Specifying a CCSID for your application.

    If you specify different CCSIDs for different pieces of data, do so with caution.