Displaying information about threads

Use the DISPLAY THREAD TYPE(INDOUBT) command to find information about allied and database access indoubt threads. This command provides information about threads where DB2® is a participant, a coordinator, or both.

About this task

Begin general-use programming interface information.
The TYPE(INDOUBT) option tells you which systems still need indoubt resolution and provides the LUWIDs that you need to recover indoubt threads. A thread that has completed phase 1 of commit and still has a connection with its coordinator is in the prepared state and is displayed as part of the DISPLAY THREAD active report. If a prepared thread loses its connection with its coordinator, it enters the indoubt state and terminates its connections to any participants at that time. Any threads that are in the prepared or indoubt state when DB2 terminates are indoubt after DB2 restart. However, if the participant system is waiting for a commit or rollback decision from the coordinator, and the connection is still active, DB2 considers the thread active.
End general-use programming interface information.

If a thread is indoubt at a participant, you can determine whether a commit or abort decision was made at the coordinator by issuing the DISPLAY THREAD command at the coordinator as described previously. If an indoubt thread appears at one system and does not appear at the other system, the latter system backed out the thread, and the first system must therefore do the same.

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