Examples of level current period expressions

Some common examples of level current period expressions are defined in the following list.

The expressions resolve to the value of the business key of the member that you want to be the current member.

extract( year, localtimestamp)
if(extract(month, localtimestamp) < 7) then
'Q' || cast( 
       if (extract(month, localtimestamp) <= 3) then (1)
       else ( if (extract(month, localtimestamp) <= 6) then (2)
       else ( if (extract(month, localtimestamp) <= 9) then (3)
       else (4) ) ) , varchar(1))

The curent_timestamp function returns Greenwich Mean Time while the localtimestamp function returns local time.

extract(month, localtimestamp)
Week of Year
cast(extract(year, localtimestamp), varchar(4)) 
|| 'W' || cast(_week_of_year(localtimestamp), varchar(2))
Day of Year
cast(extract(year, localtimestamp), varchar(4))
|| 'W' || cast(_week_of_year(localtimestamp), varchar(2))
Day of Week
_day_of_week(localtimestamp, 7)
Day of Month
_days_between(localtimestamp, _first_of_month(localtimestamp)) + 1
extract(hour, localetimestamp)
Week of Month
if( (_days_between( localtimestamp , _first_of_month
(localtimestamp)) + 1) > 
day_of_week(_first_of_month(localtimestamp), 7) )
then (1)
else (0)
if (((_days_between( localtimestamp , _first_of_month
(localtimestamp))  + 1)
day_of_week(_first_of_month(localtimestamp), 7)) > 21)
then (4)
else(if (((_days_between( localtimestamp , _first_of_month
(localtimestamp)) + 1) 
 - _day_of_week(_first_of_month(localtimestamp), 7)) > 14) 
then (3)
else (if (((_days_between( localtimestamp , _first_of_month
(localtimestamp])) + 1)
 - _day_of_week(_first_of_month(localtimestamp), 7)) > 7)
then (2)
else (1)))