Hardware and software requirements

Jazz™ for Service Management and its integration services have hardware and software requirements, including supported middleware and installation technologies.

Software Product Compatibility Reports

The most up-to-date information about the detailed system requirements for Jazz for Service Management is provided by IBM® Software Product Compatibility Reports.

You can use the IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports portal to generate reports by operating system, component, or related requirements. See Jazz for Service Management Detailed System Requirements.

User account requirements

Jazz for Service Management installation supports local and network user accounts with appropriate privileges. See Installing as a root user or non-root user.

Port availability requirements

Ensure that you have a range of 14 port numbers free, starting with the HTTP port number when you create the Jazz for Service Management WebSphere® profile. The default HTTP port number that starts the sequence is 16310. If this port is already in use, you can change its value in Installation Manager GUI and Installation Manager automatically updates the sequence for the remaining ports. You can also manually assign ports in the Installation Manager GUI, or in an Installation Manager response file before you run a silent installation. When you run a silent installation, ensure that all specified ports are available. Therefore, the application server might not use 14 subsequent port numbers.

Host name values for Jazz for Service Management application servers

Jazz for Service Management requires that any machine that hosts a Jazz for Service Management application server adheres to the IBM WebSphere Application Server host name specifications, for example, host names cannot contain characters from the double-byte character set (DBCS) or underscore characters. See Host name values in the IBM WebSphere Application Server Information Center.

Additional requirements for individual integration services

Some integration services have additional requirements:

IBM Prerequisite Scanner requirements

You can run Prerequisite Scanner to scan your target environment for Jazz for Service Management requirements. After you run the tool, the results of the scan are displayed and also saved to text and XML files. If the scan fails, take appropriate action; for example, install missing packages, increase disk space, or use an available port. If the scan is successful, you can install Jazz for Service Management.

Prerequisite Scanner has installation and runtime requirements. See Prerequisite Scanner prerequisites
