Verifying Liberty release packages

Verify the authenticity and integrity of a Liberty release package by using the corresponding signature files and the Liberty public key. Signature files are produced for every package of a Liberty release.

IBM® uses its private key to digitally sign each Liberty release. You can use the Liberty public key to check the signature, verify that IBM Fix Central released the package, and that it was not modified since its release.

[ and later]In version and later, you can also verify the authenticity of the Liberty public key by using a certificate (.cer) file.

Open Liberty For information about verifying Open Liberty packages on Maven Central, see Verify Open Liberty packages on Maven Central on the Open Liberty website.

Before you begin

Before you can verify a Liberty release package, you must obtain a release package, a signature file, and the Liberty public key. The following table describes the resources that you need to verify a Liberty release package and where to find them.

Table 1. Release verification resources
Resource Description Source
Liberty release package A release package can be one of the following resources:
  • A release archive file
  • An IBM Installation Manager repository

Obtain your release package from one of the following sources:

  • IBM Passport Advantage Online

    Passport Advantage customers can download the initial release of the product parts and a corresponding .sig files from Passport Advantage Online.

  • IBM Fix Central

    IBM Fix Central contains all fix packs and interim fixes for the product and corresponding .sig files for each release.

Signature (.sig) file

IBM provides a signature file for each release package. You can use this file together with the Liberty public key to verify the digital signature of the package

Your signature file is available from the same source that you download your release package from, either Passport Advantage or IBM Fix Central.
Liberty public key

In versions before, the public key is a .pem file that corresponds to the Liberty private key that is used to sign each release package.

[ and later]In version and later, the public key is embedded in a .cer file that corresponds to the Liberty private key that is used to sign each release package. Optionally, you can use the .cer file to verify the authenticity of the Liberty public key.

For versions before, obtain the Liberty public key as a .pem file from one of the following sources:
[ and later]In version and later, obtain the Liberty public key as a .cer file from one of the following sources:

About this task

[ and later]In the following task, steps 1 and 2 apply only to Liberty and later releases. In these releases, the Liberty public key is embedded in a .cer file. You can use this file to verify the authenticity of the Liberty public key before you extract it to a new .pem file, which you use to verify the release package.

In versions before, the Liberty public key is available only as a .pem file. To verify a release package for these versions, skip to step 3.

In the following examples, replace the WebSphereLiberty_certificate and WebSphere_Liberty_release_package variables with the public key and release package files that you are using to verify a release package.


  1. [ and later]Verify the authenticity of the Liberty public key.

    In version and later, the Liberty public key is embedded in the .cer file. Before you extract the key, you can verify that it was produced by IBM. Run the following OpenSSL command from the directory that contains the .cer file:

    openssl x509 -text -in WebSphereLiberty_certificate.pem.cer
    If the verification is successful, the console displays output that is similar to the following example:
            Version: 3 (0x2)
            Serial Number:
            Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
            Issuer: C = US, O = "DigiCert, Inc.", CN = DigiCert Trusted G4 Code Signing RSA4096 SHA384 2021 CA1
                Not Before: May  8 00:00:00 2024 GMT
                Not After : May  8 23:59:59 2026 GMT
            Subject: C = US, ST = New York, L = Armonk, O = International Business Machines Corporation, CN = International Business Machines Corporation
            Subject Public Key Info:
                Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                    RSA Public-Key: (4096 bit)
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  2. [ and later]Extract the Liberty public key from the .cer file.

    The Liberty public key is embedded in the .cer file. To extract the key to a new .pem file, run the following command from the directory that contains the .cer file:

    openssl x509 -inform PEM -in WebSphereLiberty_certificate.pem.cer -pubkey -noout > WebSphereLiberty_certificate.pem

    You can now use the .pem file to verify the release package.

  3. Verify the authenticity and integrity of the release package.

    Navigate to the directory that contains the release package, the corresponding .sig file, and the .pem file. Run the following command to verify the release package:

    openssl dgst -sha256 -verify WebSphere_Liberty_certificate.pem -signature


If the verification succeeds, the command produces the following console output:
Verified OK