Managing workflows, roles, and in-baskets by using the Process Engine REST Service

You can use the Process Engine REST Service to manipulate the workflow-related aspects of tasks. Specifically, you use this REST Service to access and manage workflows, roles, and in-baskets.

You can use the resources defined in the Process Engine REST Service to perform the following case management tasks:
  • Retrieve the contents of an in-basket that are based on the role of a case worker
  • Retrieve the workflow step element when the case worker opens a workflow
  • View and update the work items in a workflow
  • Track workflow processes
  • Retrieve the process history for a workflow
  • View and update workflow roles, including adding users and groups to roles
  • View all assigned work in a case
The Process Engine REST Service provides the following resources that you can use to get case management information.
Table 1. Process Engine REST Service resources
Resource URI resource name Description
Application space names /appspacenames Gets the collection of the names of the application spaces, including the application spaces to which the current user does not have access permissions. You can use this information to select an application space for page creation.
MyRoles /appspacenames/{appspace}/myroles Gets a collection of roles within an application space.
Role /appspacenames/{appspace}/roles/{role} Get the role information and in-baskets that are associated with the specified role.
Writeable application space roles /writableappspaces/{appSpace}/roles Gets the collection of roles defined for an application space to which you can assign members. To access this resource, you must have write access to the application space.
Writeable application space role members /writableappspaces/{appspace}/roles/{role}/members Gets the set of members that are assigned to a specified role. To access this resource, you must have write access to the application space.
Writeable application space role members update /writableappspaces/{appspace}/roles/{role}/members Updates the role membership for the specified role. To access this resource, you must have write access to the application space.
Security domains /securitydomains Gets the names of all the security domains (LDAP realms) found. You can use this information to narrow the scope of users and groups for subsequent operations, such as querying user information for role membership changes.
Users /users Gets a collection of users from LDAP. You can limit the search scope by using the domainName GET parameter to specify the domain.
Groups /groups Gets a collection of groups from LDAP. You can use this information to select groups for role memberships or work item assignments.

You can limit the search scope by using the domainName GET parameter to specify the domain.

Current® user /currentuser Gets the name and ID of the user that is currently logged on to the application space.
The following request uses the Process Engine REST Service to return a list of roles that are defined for a solution:
The following example shows the format of the response to the request:
  "Customer Service Representative":
    "name":"Customer Service Representative",