IBM Streams 4.2

Importing SPL projects

You can import SPL projects from a directory on disk to the Eclipse workspace.

About this task

When imported into the Eclipse workspace as a project, you can explore the contents of the SPL project, edit its resources, and build and run the project as usual.
Note: Use only SPL projects when you develop SPL applications remotely. Importing remote SPL artifacts into a local non-SPL project does not work correctly.
Warning: The Windows file system is not case-sensitive. When you import SPL projects with mixed case file names from a Linux system, name collisions might occur on a case insensitive file system, which results in errors.


To import an SPL project into the workspace:

  1. Click File > Import > IBM Streams Studio > SPL Project.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Click Browse to select a directory that contains the SPL toolkit. An SPL toolkit is identified by its model file, info.xml. Any directory that contains this file is treated as the root of the SPL toolkit. If you are working in a remote development environment, you can import SPL projects either from your local system or from a remote Linux system. To import a project from a remote system, in the Select a source location for import window, from the Connection list, select the connection that you can use to connect to the remote system.
    Important: If you are working in a remote development environment, do not import a project that is already in your remote workspace. The import can fail and there is a risk of deleting the existing project in the remote workspace.
  4. The Import SPL Project window lists all the SPL toolkits found from the selected directory. Each entry in this list shows the directory name, the toolkit name, and the version. Select one or more toolkits to import into the workspace. To select multiple toolkits, hold down the Ctrl key when you make your selection.
  5. Click Finish.


By default, the SPL project is configured to use the external builder for building the project. If the project was previously exported with Streams Studio and contains existing build configurations, the build configurations are restored. In this case, the SPL project is configured to be built by the internal SPL builder.