IBM Streams 4.2

Perspectives, views and model editors

Streams Studio uses the Eclipse SDK perspectives, views, and model editors.


Streams Studio uses the following perspective:
  • IBM Streams Studio
    Displays the Streams Studio integrated development environment (IDE) and includes the following components:
    • All the Streams Studio views and editors
    • Project Explorer
    • Console
    • Outline
    • Problems


Streams Studio uses the following views:
  • Console
    Displays messages for running different commands from Streams Studio. There are different types of Console view output:
    • SPL build. Displays messages from the SPL compiler in a build operation.
    • Streams Studio Console. Displays output generated by running various streamtool commands (for example, submit job output or cancel job output).
    • Logs. Displays logs from a Streams instance, job, or processing element.
    • Stand-alone SPL application output. Displays output generated by stand-alone SPL applications.
  • Metrics

    Displays the metrics from a running instance.

  • Outline

    Displays a hierarchical overview of the application file that you are editing and reflects the textual structure of the file.

  • Problems

    Displays the errors that are detected by the SPL compiler and the Streams Studio editors and launchers.

  • Project Explorer

    Displays a hierarchical tree view of the toolkit and application in SPL projects so that you can operate on the elements within the project.

  • SPL Application Graph

    Displays the topology of an application and is refreshed whenever an application is saved in the editor.

  • Streams Explorer

    Displays your available hosts list, installation location, Stream instances for development, governance catalogs, and toolkit locations. You can manage and explore your Streams Studio environment.

  • Streams Instance Graph

    Displays a graphical representation of the topology, state, and runtime behavior of all the applications that are running on a Streams instance.

  • Submit Time Job Configuration

    Displays a graphical representation of the placement of operators and PEs on the resources in an instance, and allows for modifying the submission time job configuration settings before submitting the application.


Streams Studio uses the following editors:
  • Function model editor

    Create and edit function models for primitive functions to be used in your SPL application.

  • Info model editor

    Serves as an editor for the toolkit information model, which is used to specify the name, version, and dependencies for a toolkit.

  • Operator model editor

    Create and edit the operator model for primitive operators.

  • SPL Graphical Editor

    Create and edit SPL applications with this graphical editor.

  • SPL Editor

    Create and edit SPL source code with this text-based editor.

  • SPL Mixed-mode Editor

    Create and edit SPL mixed mode applications with this multi-pane editor.