IBM InfoSphere Streams Version 4.1.1

Control input port and supported control signals and parameters for GAMLearner and GAMScorer operators

SPL standard and specialized toolkits > 3.2.0 > Control input port and supported control signals and parameters for GAMLearner and GAMScorer operators

The control port is an optional input port where you can send control signals to control the behavior of an operator. For operators with PMML-based models, the control port uses Predictive Markup Language (PMML) to load and monitor the models. You can change the behavior of the operator at run time by specifying the control signal, the model ID, and Predictive Markup Modeling Language (PMML) file that describes the operator model.

The control port supports the following control signals:
  • Load: Initialize the operator model that is represented by the model ID with the parameter values from the PMML file.
  • Monitor: Write the PMML file to the optional monitor output port for later use or for further analysis. If the model ID is specified, the corresponding model is output, else all models are written to the monitor output port in PMML format.
  • Suspend: Stop the training of the model and predicting time series values temporarily. If the model ID is specified, the training and prediction is suspended for the corresponding model, else training and prediction for all models is suspended. The training and prediction of the model is suspended until the operator receives the Resume signal.
  • Resume: Continue with the model training process and prediction of time series values. If the model ID is specified, the training and prediction is resumed for the corresponding model, else training and prediction for all models is resumed.

Operators and supported control signals

The following list shows the supported control signals for operators that support the optional input control port:
  • The GAMLearner operator supports the following control signals: Monitor; Load; Suspend; Resume.
  • The GAMScorer operator supports the following control signals: Monitor; Load; Suspend; Resume.

Control port parameters

The following optional parameters represent the attributes that contain the control signal and the parameters for the control port:
  • controlSignal: This optional parameter is an attribute expression that specifies the name of the attribute in the control port, which holds the control signal. The supported type is TSSignal.
  • pmmlModel: This optional parameter is an attribute expression that specifies the name of the PMML model. The supported type is rstring. If this parameter is not specified, by default, the pmmlModel attribute is used. If the default attribute or the pmmlModel parameter is not provided, the operator throws an exception.
  • modelID: This mandatory parameter of type uint64 is an attribute expression that specifies the name of the input attribute that contains the model ID. If the control signal is Load, you must specify the modelD parameter; else the operator throws an exception.


An operator throws an exception and terminates in the following cases:
  • A Load signal is sent to the control port and the modelID and pmmlModel parameters are not specified.
  • A Load signal is sent to the control port and an invalid PMML model is specified. For example the file that describes the model uses a wrong format, the file specifies parameters that are not defined, or the files does not contain values of coefficients for parameters of the model.