Decision plan properties

To specify decision plan properties, use the Management Console.

Decision plan name

Specifies a display name for the decision plan. If you are adding a decision plan to the IBM® Content Classification server, type a name that complies with 7-bit Unicode Transformation Format (UTF-7) character encoding.


Decision plan rules are the triggers and actions that determine how content is to be classified.
Add an empty decision plan
Adds a decision plan that has no rules to the Content Classification server.

You can add an empty decision plan here, and then export a new decision plan from Classification Workbench. If you use this approach to add a new decision plan to theContent Classification server, the empty decision plan must exist before you export the decision plan from Classification Workbench for the first time.

Keep existing rules
For a decision plan that was previously added to the Content Classification server, specifies that you want to keep the current set of classification triggers and actions.
Import a decision plan
Imports a decision plan (.dpn file) that contains rules, such as a decision plan that you created in Classification Workbench, or a decision plan that you analyzed and fine-tuned, and you now want to import the latest rules back into IBM Content Classification.
To import rules to an existing decision plan, ensure that the decision plan is running before you click OK.
If the file is not on the Content Classification server, ensure that the file is in a shared directory and that the Content Classification server has permission to access the file. The network path that you specify must be relative to the Content Classification server. For example:
  • If the decision plan file is local, click Browse to find the file or specify the local path, for example, on Windows:


  • If the decision plan file is on a different computer, specify the full network path that the Content Classification server needs to access the file, for example, on Windows:


The default path for decision plans that you create in Classification Workbench is Classification_Home\Classification Workbench\Projects_Unicode\project_name\project_name.dpn, where project_name is the name that was given to the decision plan project in Classification Workbench.


Specifies runtime options for the decision plan.
Back up automatically
Automatically creates a backup copy of the decision plan each time you import or publish a new version to the Content Classification server. Having backups is useful, for example, if you need to reproduce results from a previous version after the decision plan is changed.

If you select or clear the Back up automatically check box, restart the decision plan for the change to take effect.

Start of change A backup is created each time you import a new version of the decision plan by using in the Management Console, or publish a new version of the decision plan by using Classification Workbench. Backup copies are stored in the Classification_Home/dserverdir/VERSIONS directory on the data server. Backups are named as follows: VER_DP_decision plan name.backup version number. End of change

You must convert a backup copy of a decision plan into DPN format if you want to import it into Classification Workbench. For example, you might want to analyze and edit a backup, and then publish the updated decision plan to the Content Classification server. To convert a backup to DPN format, run the DpFromVersion88 utility as follows:
  1. In a command window, change to the Classification_Home/Bin directory.
  2. Run the DpFromVersion88 utility to convert the backup decision plan file to DPN format.
    On Windows:
    Run the DpFromVersion88.exe command as follows:

    DpFromVersion88.exe backup_input_file DPN_output_file

    Specifies the path and name of the backup decision plan file.
    Specifies the path and name of the output DPN file.

    For example, run the following command from the Classification_Home/Bin directory:

    DpFromVersion88.exe "C:\IBM\ContentClassification\dserverdir\VERSIONS\VER_DP_MyProject.3" "C:\DPN_Output\MyProject3.dpn"

    On AIX®, Linux, or Solaris:
    1. Set up environment variables as specified in Classification_Home/Bin/bnsRun. First open bnsRun in a text editor. Then copy and paste the lines at the beginning of bnsRun into the shell.
      Example of environment variables to copy from bnsRun
      export DBM_ROOT 
      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
      export LIBPATH 
      export BTRACE_PORT 
    2. Run the DpFromVersion88 command as follows:

      ./DpFromVersion88 backup_input_file DPN_output_file

      Specifies the path and name of the backup decision plan file.
      Specifies the path and name of the output DPN file.

      For example, run the following command from the Classification_Home/bin directory:

      ./DpFromVersion88 /user_home/IBM/ContentClassification/dserverdir/VERSIONS/VER_DP_MyProject.3 /user_home/dpn_output/myproject3.dpn

  3. In Classification Workbench, create a decision plan project and import the DPN file that you created in the previous step. After reviewing and (if necessary) editing the decision plan, you can publish it back to the Content Classification server.


Specifies the servers and ports for read/write and read-only instances of the decision plan.
Read/write server
Specifies the server and port on which you want to run a read/write instance of the decision plan. Select a server from the list of available servers and specify the port number.

A read/write instance is a server component that can handle read/write and read-only requests on a decision plan. A single read/write instance must exist for each decision plan.

Read-only servers
Specifies the servers and ports on which you want to run read-only instances of the decision plan.

A read-only instance is a server component that can handle read-only requests on a decision plan. Read-only requests can be processed by the read/write instance or forwarded to a read-only instance depending on the current workload of the read/write instance. Read-only instances are optional components. You can configure the system to run any number of read-only instances of a specific decision plan on multiple computers.

You can add, modify, and remove read-only instances:
  • To add an instance, click Add, select the server from the list of available servers, and specify the port number.
  • To change the server on which an instance resides or to change the port number, select the read-only instance and click Properties.
  • To delete an instance, select the read-only instance and click Remove.

Supported languages

Specifies the languages that the decision plan is required to support.

Each decision plan has its own set of supported languages. The classification technology provides suggestions only for texts that are written in a language that the decision plan supports. A decision plan can be either monolingual or multilingual, but must support at least one language. If a decision plan is monolingual, all questions submitted to the decision plan are assumed to be in that language.

The GenericLanguage option is provided for basic processing of texts in unsupported or partially supported languages. This option is available for monolingual decision plans and cannot be selected for use with other languages.

The set of languages that you define for the decision plan determines memory consumption. Each language requires approximately 20 MB.

You can add or remove supported languages:
  • To add a language to the supported language set, select the language in the Available languages list and click the arrow that points towards the Supported languages list.
  • To remove a language from the supported language set, select the language in the Supported languages list and click the arrow that points towards the Available languages list.
    Tip: Double-clicking a language in one list moves it to the other list.