Agents REST API specification

The REST services for agents are defined in IBM® Rational® Test Control Panel - Agents REST API specification.

For general information about the REST API, see REST Services.

Get a list of all registered agents

URL RTCP_BASE_URL/rest/agent/details/
Method GET
Returns 200 OK (but could return an empty list).

Response body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <agent id="id" host="host name" port="port number"> 
      <domain name="Test domain 1">
        <environent name="Test environment 1"/>
    <agent id="id" host="host name" port="port number">

Under the root <agentDetailsReponse> element, there are 0 or more (or exactly 1 in the case where an agent id was specified) <agent> elements. Each <agent> has 1 or more unique <attribute> elements, for example DB2, followed by 1 or more unique <capability> elements, for example,, followed by 0 or more unique <domain> elements, for example testDomain. Each <domain> element has 1 or more unique <environment> elements, for example testEnvironment.

Get a list with a single element where that element is the request agent

URL RTCP_BASE_URL/rest/agent/details/{id}
For example,
Method GET
Returns 200 OK
404 NOT FOUND: If the agent could not be found.

Response body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <agent id="id" host="host name" port="port number"> 
      <domain name="Test domain 1">
        <environment name="Test environment 1"/>
      <domain name="Test domain 2">
        <environment name="Test environment 2"/>
