Publish stubs by using an Ant task

You can publish stubs by using the IBM® Rational® Test Control Panel Ant tasks.
Here is an example syntax:
<taskdef name="publishStubs" classname="com.ghc.ghTester.ant.PublishStubs" classpathref="tasklib" />

<publishStubs serverUrl="http://<Host name
 or IP address>:7819/RTCP/" domain="<Domain name>"
 environment="<Environment name>" project="<Path to project file>" />

The following table lists the attributes that you can use with the publishStubs Ant task for publishing stubs.

Table 1. List of available attributes
Attribute Description Required
optionsFile A path to an XML file containing the command options. Any options explicitly specified will override those set in this file. For details of the format of this file, see The Options file. No
serverUrl URL of Rational Test Control Panel. Yes
domain Domain name Yes
environment Environment name Yes
project The full path to project file. Yes

The filter used to select which stubs will be published. A filter is defined by XML type tags that describe the hierarchy of the stubs to publish as it appears in the project within IBM Rational Integration Tester. Each filter declares the component names, an operation name and the folder names that the stubs to publish belong to. If not specified, the filter will default to publishing all stubs. For more information on selecting stubs using a stub filter, see Specifying a stub filter.

No, default is to publish to all stubs in the project.
majorVersion The major version at which to publish the stubs. For more information on specifying stub versions, see Specifying publish versions. No, default is to use the latest version on the server for that project, domain, and environment combination.
minorVersion The minor version at which to publish the stubs. For more information on specifying stub versions, see Specifying publish versions. No, default is to use the latest version on the server for that project, domain, environment combination.
updateMode For more information on specifying the update mode, see updateMode. No, default is publish all stubs, old and new
securityToken The value of the security token to use for authentication with Rational Test Control Panel when domain security is enabled (optional). For more information, see Domain level security. No, default is to send no token.
haltOnFailure Set to true to fail the Ant script if the stub fails to start (flag). No, default is false
failureProperty The name of a property that is set in the event of a failure. No

Error codes

For details of any error codes, see Exit codes for IBM Rational Integration Tester Command-line client and Ant client.
