Running mobile tests

After generating a test from a recording, you can run the test from the test workbench or on multiple mobile devices and simulators.

About this task

Tests created for Android or iOS applications must be run from the test workbench or from the same platform on which they were recorded. Tests created for IBM® Worklight® hybrid applications, can be run on either platform. If you test web applications, the IBM Rational® Test Workbench Mobile Web Recorder is used to record and run your tests.

Note: When you run a test from the mobile client on mobile devices, it uses the same values that you used during recording. If you modify the test script and create a datapool or variable, or if you add a condition, a loop, custom code, references or add other statements, they are not taken into account by the mobile client at run time. To verify that the initial recorded values are substituted with variable data, you must initiate the test run from the workbench.
