Installing the IBM Rational Test Workbench Mobile Web Recorder on the iOS Simulator

If you are testing mobile Web applications on the IOS Simulator, you must first install the IBM® Rational® Test Workbench Mobile Web Recorder.

About this task

The IBM Rational Test Workbench Mobile Web Recorder is required for testing mobile Web applications. To test mobile Web applications on an iOS device, you can download the IBM Rational Test Workbench Mobile Web Recorder from the Apple App Store. Because the iOS Simulator does not have access to the Apple App Store, you must install the IBM Rational Test Workbench Mobile Web Recorder manually before you can start testing mobile Web applications.

You install the IBM Rational Test Workbench Mobile Web Recorder by first downloading and then running script from the command line.

Note: is also required for instrumenting an iOS app. See Instrumenting iOS applications for details.


  1. If you have not already done so, download
    1. Open a browser on the Macintosh computer and enter the Workbench URL in the following format:


      For example,

    2. In the Rational Test Workbench - Mac OS Welcome page, follow the online instructions to download the archive.
    3. When the download finishes, unpack the build archive.

      The following folders are included in the build archive: browser, build-script, client, runtime, runtime-bundle.

  2. Open a Terminal window on the Macintosh computer and change to the build-script folder.
  3. Type ./ ../browser/iphonesimulator/IBM RTW Browser.ipa to install the IBM Rational Test Workbench Mobile Web Recorder.


After you install the IBM Rational Test Workbench Mobile Web Recorder, you can start testing Web applications in the iOS Simulator.
