Accessing Ant tasks

Accessing environment, scenario and stub Ant tasks in IBM® Rational® Integration Tester or IBM Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack.

Accessing the Ant tasks in IBM Rational Integration Tester

The environment, scenario and stub Ant tasks are located in
<IBM Rational Integration Tester  Shared Resources Directory>\com.ghc.ghTester.ant<Version Number>.jar
Here is an example Ant path definition:
<path id="rittasklib">
   <fileset dir="C:/Program Files/IBM/IBMIMShared/plugins/">
      <include name="com.ghc.ghTester.ant*.jar"/>
Example usage of the Ant tasks is contained in the following files in the <Rational Integration Tester Installation Directory>\tools\rtcp-client directory.
  • create-update-delete-environment.xml
  • lock-unlock-environment.xml
  • publish-stubs.xml
  • start-stop-scenario.xml
  • start-stop-stub.xml

Accessing the Ant tasks in IBM Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack

The environment, scenario and stub Ant tasks are located in the <Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack 8.0.1 (Or Later) Installation Directory>\rtcp-ant-client\com.ghc.ghTester.ant<Version Number>.jar directory:

Here is an example of an Ant path definition:
<path id="tasklib">
   <fileset dir="C:/Program Files/IBM/RIT-Platform/rtcp-ant-client">
      <include name="*.jar"/>
Example usage of the Ant tasks is contained in the following files in the <Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack 8.0.1 (Or Later) Installation Directory>\rtcp-ant-client directory:
  • create-update-delete-environment.xml
  • lock-unlock-environment.xml
  • publish-stubs.xml
  • start-stop-scenario.xml
  • start-stop-stub.xml
