Adding and removing Liberty addons and features

You can use Installation Manager to add or remove addons and features in an existing installation. You can change both the optional embeddable EJB container and JPA client feature and Liberty addons and features.

Before you begin

Make sure that your Installation Manager preferences are pointing to the appropriate web-based or local repositories that contain WebSphere® Application Server Liberty and any Liberty addons or features.

When you modify your installation, you can choose to access the IBM WebSphere Liberty Repository to install addons and features. Access to the IBM WebSphere Liberty Repository requires internet access. If your system does not have internet access or you want to install customized Liberty assets, set up an instance of the Liberty Asset Repository Service or a local directory-based repository, and then add the repository URL, directory path, or archive path in Installation Manager. For more information about the Liberty repositories, see Installing assets using Installation Manager.

About this task

Note: A removal notice was issued for the embeddable EJB container and JPA client feature as of the fix pack, so the feature is eligible for future removal. For more information, see Removal notices.


Choose one of the following options to modify your Liberty installation.

  • Distributed: [AIX MacOS Linux Windows] Add or remove addons and features by using the GUI.
    1. Stop all servers and applications on the WebSphere Application Server Liberty installation that is being modified.
    2. Start Installation Manager.
    3. Click Modify.
    4. Select the package group to modify.
    5. Click Next.
      Note: If you are prompted to authenticate, use the IBM ID and password that you registered with on the program website.
    6. Expand the IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty product that is installed.
    7. Check the check box to install the embeddable EJB container and JPA client feature, or clear the check box to remove the feature it is already installed. Then click Next.
    8. Choose whether to add or remove Liberty addons and features.
      • To add addons or features, complete the following steps:
        1. Select Add addons and features. You can optionally choose to connect to the online IBM WebSphere Liberty Repository. Click Next.
        2. Select addons to install, and click Next.

          Only addons that are not already installed are displayed.

        3. Select features to install, and click Next.

          Only features that are not already installed are displayed.

        4. Accept the terms of the license agreement, then click Next.
        5. Review the addon and feature summary information, and click Next.
      • To remove addons or features, complete the following steps:
        1. Select Remove addons and features, and click Next.
        2. Select addons to remove, and click Next.
        3. Select features to remove, and click Next.

          If a feature depends on other features that you want to uninstall, you must also uninstall the feature that has the dependency.

        4. Review the addon and feature summary information, and click Next.
    9. Review the summary information, and click Modify.
      Note: Only the addition or removal of the embeddable EJB container and JPA client feature is displayed.
      • If the modification is successful, the program displays a message that indicates that installation is successful.
      • If the modification is not successful, click View Log File to troubleshoot the problem.
    10. Click Finish.
    11. Click File > Exit to close Installation Manager.
  • Add or remove features from the command line.

    The offering name of the Embeddable EJB container and JPA client feature is embeddablecontainer. The optional embeddablecontainer feature is added by specifying the -addFeatures option and removed by specifying the -removeFeatures option.

    Adding and removing assets when you modify an existing Liberty installation differs from when you initially install the product. To add Liberty addons or features, specify the symbolic or short names on the user.addAssets property and specify the -acceptLicense parameter. To remove addons or features, specify the symbolic or short names on the user.removeAssets property, separated by double commas.

    By default, all of your installed Liberty addons and features remain installed unless you specifically remove them.

    Note: You can install assets from instances of the Liberty Asset Repository Service or local directory-based repositories with or without internet access. Add the repository URL, directory path, or archive file path on the -repositories parameter. These repositories are accessed in the order that they are specified. For more information about these asset repositories, see Installing assets using Installation Manager. To install assets from the IBM WebSphere Liberty Repository, you must have access to the internet. To enable access to the Liberty Repository, on the -properties parameter, set the user.useLibertyRepository option to true. The Liberty Repository is the last of the repositories that are accessed during installation.
    Tip: From your Liberty installation, use the installUtility find action to list the short names of assets that you can install.
    For Windows platformsThe following example command adds the embeddablecontainer Installation Manager feature, the ndMemberBundle Liberty addon, and the mphealth-4.0 and mpMetrics-4.0 Liberty features. The mphealth-4.0, mpMetrics-4.0, and ndMemberBundle are specified using the short names.
    imcl.exe modify
      -addFeatures embeddablecontainer
      -properties user.addAssets=ndMemberBundle,,,,mpMetrics-4.0
      -installationDirectory "C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\Liberty"
      -secureStorageFile C:\ -masterPasswordFile C:\password_file.txt
    For Windows platformsThe following example command removes the embeddablecontainer Installation Manager feature, the ndMemberBundle Liberty addon, and the mphealth-4.0 and mpMetrics-4.0 Liberty features.
    imcl.exe modify
      -removeFeatures embeddablecontainer
      -properties user.removeAssets=ndMemberBundle,,,,mpMetrics-4.0
      -installationDirectory "C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\Liberty"
      -secureStorageFile C:\ -masterPasswordFile C:\password_file.txt
  • Add or remove features by using a response file.

    The offering name of the Embeddable EJB container and JPA client feature is embeddablecontainer. To add this feature, specify the embeddablecontainer feature on the features attribute of the Liberty offering. If the feature is already installed and is not specified, it is removed.

    Adding and removing Liberty assets when you modify an existing Liberty installation differs from when you initially install the product. To add Liberty addons or features, specify the symbolic or short names on the user.addAssets property, separated by double commas. When you add features, you must also accept the user license.
    <data key='user.addAssets' value='ndMemberBundle,,,,mpMetrics-4.0'/>
    <data key='user.accept.license' value='true'/>
    To remove addons or features, specify the symbolic or short names on the user.removeAssets property.
    <data key='user.removeAssets' value='ndMemberBundle,,,,mpMetrics-4.0'/>

    By default, all of your installed Liberty addons and features remain installed unless you specifically remove them.

    For Windows platformsThe following sample response file modifies an installation to add the embeddablecontainer Installation Manager feature, the ndMemberBundle Liberty addon, and the mphealth-4.0 and mpMetrics-4.0 Liberty features. The mphealth-4.0 feature is specified using the symbolic name, and ndMemberBundle and mpMetrics-4.0 are specified using the short names.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <agent-input clean='true' temporary='true'>
    <repository location=''/>
    <install modify='true'>
    <offering id='' 
      profile='WebSphere Liberty' 
    <profile id='WebSphere Liberty' 
      installLocation='C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\Liberty'>
    <data key='user.addAssets' value='ndMemberBundle,,,,mpMetrics-4.0'/>
    <data key='user.accept.license' value='true'/>