What is new for migration

WebSphere® Application Server Version 9.0 introduces several key enhancements to the migration tools.

Clone migration: Migrate and keep your old profile functional

You can migrate your configuration to Version 9.0 and continue to use your previous version profile, which is known as a clone migration. Clone migrations follow the standard migration procedures, except that you specify the -clone parameter when you run the WASPostUpgrade command. If you clone a deployment manager, you must also clone its federated nodes.

For clone migrations, the new profile configuration must use unique port numbers so that the new and old configurations do not have port conflicts. Additionally, when you migrate a federated node, you must specify the Version 9.0 deployment manager host name and SOAP or RMI port.

Define migration options with a properties file

Rather than specifying individual parameters on migration commands such as WASPreUpgrade and WASPostUpgrade, you can specify the -properties file_name.properties parameter to input a properties file. The properties file contains the following properties:
  • Migration parameter properties: These properties are equivalent to the parameters that you specify for the migration commands. Not every command-line parameter can be specified as a parameter property; limitations are noted in the template migration.properties file.
  • General tracing and debugging properties: These properties control tracing and debugging when the migration commands call external tools. For example, you can enable or disable trace and specify trace strings and locations.

A template migration.properties file is located in the app_server_root/properties directory. The template contains instructions and examples for defining properties. After you copy the file to a new location, modify the file to suit your migration. You can use the same file for all profile and migration types because any properties that do not apply are ignored.

For more information about using the properties file, see Defining your migration through properties.

Improved port assignment

The WASPostUpgrade -replacePorts and -portBlock parameters were replaced by the -setPorts and -resolvePortConflicts parameters respectively. These new parameters provide better clarity and flexibility to how the migration tools assign port values in the new configuration.

With the -setPorts parameter, you can choose from the following options:
  • Use the values from the old configuration
  • Use new values generated by the migration tools
  • Assign all ports, starting at a value that you specify

With the -resolvePortConflicts parameter, you can choose to resolve port conflicts by incrementing from the conflicting value or from a value that you specify.

The default port value for any new endpoint address is retrieved from a profile template and is checked for conflicts.

For more information, see WASPostUpgrade command.

Integrated Compute Grid migration

Previously, Compute Grid or Feature Pack for Modern Batch on WebSphere Application Server was migrated to a new version by using the migrateConfigTo85.py script.

Instead of using this script, Compute Grid is now migrated as part of the standard migration processes, such as the Configuration Migration Management Tool or WASPreUpgrade and WASPostUpgrade commands.

Integrated WebSphere Virtual Enterprise and Intelligent Management migration

In WebSphere Application Server Version 7 and Version 8, WebSphere Virtual Enterprise was installed as a separate product on top of WebSphere Application Server. In WebSphere Application Server Version 8.5, WebSphere Virtual Enterprise was included in the WebSphere Application Server product as Intelligent Management.

WebSphere Virtual Enterprise and Intelligent Management previously required the VEUpgrade command to migrate artifacts to the new WebSphere Application Server cell. Instead of using this command, the artifacts are now migrated as part of the standard migration processes, such as the Configuration Migration Management Tool or WASPreUpgrade and WASPostUpgrade commands.

WASMigrationAppInstaller application installation tool

You can use the WASMigrationAppInstaller command to migrate applications from your previous release into the new release. The tool is intended to replace the install_all_apps.jy script.

The WASPostUpgrade command also attempts to migrate your applications to the new release. If the only problems that occur when you run the WASPostUpgrade command were with installing applications, run the WASMigrationAppInstaller command instead of rerunning the WASPostUpgrade command.

The tool installs only applications that are not already installed, so you can run the tool as many times as needed.

For more information, see WASMigrationAppInstaller command.

Deprecated, stabilized, and removed features

Changes in the Version 9.0 release include many deprecated, stabilized, or removed features, as well as some change in default value and behavior. These changes might affect your WebSphere Application Server environment and require modifications.

For a list of these changes, see What has changed in WebSphere Application Server.