For z/OS platforms

Enabling generated record data in outbound optimized local adapter connections in Liberty

If you are passing data by using one of the Java™ EE Connector Architecture (JCA) record interfaces that the WebSphere® optimized local adapters (WOLA) support, you can generate the Record classes by using the Rational® Application Developer CICS®/IMS Java Data Binding wizard.

About this task

You can use the Rational Application Developer CICS/IMS Java Data Binding wizard to generate a javax.resource.cci.Record object that can replace the byte array that sends and receives data in the IndexRecordImpl and MappedRecordImpl objects. To use the generated Record classes, you must set up an extra library in the Liberty server instance to enable the server instance to serialize and deserialize the data in the Record object.


  1. Copy the marshalling JAR file from Rational Application Developer into a lib subdirectory underneath the server configuration directory, which contains the server.xml file.
    The licensed, redistributable marshall.jar file is located in the plug-in in the runtime folder. The exact name of the plug-in folder varies depending on the Rational Application Developer version.
  2. In the server.xml file, create a library element that points to the new location of the marshalling JAR file, as shown in the following example.
    Replace marshall.jar with the actual name of your marshalling JAR file.
    <!-- Library required by RAD generated application classes. -->
    <library id="MarshallLib">
        <file name="${server.config.dir}/lib/marshall.jar"/>
  3. In the server.xml file, add the new library to the application definition that contains the generated Record class by specifying the library ID that you created on a classloader element.
    The following example adds the MarshallLib library to the WolaApp application.
    <!-- Application installed in ${server.config.dir}/apps. -->
    <application id="WolaApp" name="WolaApp" location="OLA.ear">
        <classloader commonLibraryRef="MarshallLib"/>


You can now use the Rational Application Developer CICS/IMS Java Data Binding wizard to generate record data for your outbound connection. For more information, see Using the Liberty optimized local adapters APIs to call services in an external address space.