The Purge utility

The WebSphere Compute Grid Purge Utility is a batch application that can be used to clean up the jobs database and the associated job logs on the file system. It can be configured by using xJCL and scheduled to run at any time.

To install and configure the Purge Utility:
  1. Deploy the Purge Utility EAR (CleanUpCIEar.ear, found at path $WAS_HOME/util/Batch/CleanUpCIEar.ear) to a Compute Grid endpoint and start the application.
  2. There is a sample xJCL found at path $WAS_HOME/util/Batch/CleanUpCIxJCL_template.xml. There are comments within the xJCL that explain how to modify each property. See table 1.
Table 1.
Property Description Example Default
schedulerContext The fully qualified JNDI name of the server or cluster that contains the job scheduler. nodes/myNode/servers/myServer or clusters/mySchedulerCluster No default. Required value.
schedulerHostName The host name or IP address of a scheduler server. No default. Required value.
schedulerBootstrapPort The bootstrap of the scheduler server. 2809 No default. Required value.
ageOfJobToPurge The age of a job in integer days. Jobs older than what is specified are purged. 90 100
maxJobsToPurge The maximum number of jobs to purge per run. Must be an integer. 1500 100
outputFileName An output file on the endpoint file system where the purge utility is targeted. A date is inserted into this file name to create a new log for each run. /tmp/logs/purge-output.log No default. Required value.
statusOfJobToPurge Comma-separated status of jobs to purge. Only non-executing job statuses are valid: restartable, ended, executionFailed restartable, ended ended
jobClassNameToPurge Job Class to purge. Wildcards such as % are valid. JobClass1 or MyJobClass:00% All job classes
purgeArrayBufferSizeProp An integer that sets the size of the number of jobs to submit to the JobScheduler internally. This buffer size is important when you are purging large numbers of jobs to prevent timeouts. 200 100
debug Outputs more verbose purge information into the output file. trueor false false
jobIdFilter Filters jobs by job name. Wildcards are also valid. Default includes all jobs. MyJobNamePrefix% purges jobs that start with MyJobNamePrefix %
submitterFilter Filters jobs by submitter ID. Wildcards are also valid. Default includes all submitters. user1 purges jobs that were submitted by user1. %
nodeFilter Filters jobs by node ID. Wildcards are also valid. Default includes all nodes. node01 purges jobs that were run on node01. %
appServerFilter Filters jobs by application server name. Wildcards are also valid. Default includes all servers. server1 purges jobs that were run on server1. %