Disabling static routing for a cluster

Because the information contained in a static routing table does not account for server runtime state, you should delete this table and return to using the dynamic routing table as soon as your high availability infrastructure is enabled. When you delete the static routing table, cluster members automatically resume using dynamic routing to handle enterprise bean requests.

About this task

Perform the following steps to delete the static routing table.


  1. For each member of the cluster, set the ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS port to 0 (zero).
    1. In the administrative console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name, and then in the Communications section, click Ports.
    2. Click ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS in the Port name field.
    3. Change the value specified for the Port field to 0.
  2. Manually delete the static route table file from the config directory of the deployment manager for the cluster.

    The path to this config directory was included in the message that you received when you originally exported this file. If you did not retain this information, you can do a search in the deployment manager config directory for the file cluster_name.wsrttbl.

  3. Synchronize the configuration changes across nodes.
    1. Clear the configuration repository Epoch.
      If you do not clear the configuration repository Epoch, the synchronization only updates the files that the configure service component edited, which does not include the file that contains the static routing table.
      Using Jacl:
      set configRepository [$AdminControl completeObjectName 
      $AdminControl invoke $configRepository refreshRepositoryEpoch 
      Using Jython:
      configRepository = AdminControl.completeObjectName('node=node_name,
      AdminControl.invoke(configRepository, 'refreshRepositoryEpoch')
    2. Repeat this process for each node that you want to synchronize.
  4. Stop the cluster.
    Follow the instructions specified either the Stopping clusters or Stopping clusters using scripting topic.
  5. Start the cluster again.
    Follow the instructions specified either the Starting clusters or Starting clusters using scripting topic.
  6. Exit the wsadmin tool.


The cluster members resume using the dynamic routing table to handle IIOP requests.