PARMGEN PTF UA91953 for APAR OA52888 (3Q17 Interim Feature)

PARMGEN PTF UA91953 for APAR OA52888 (3Q17 Interim Feature) introduces several enhancements that benefit many of the products in the z Systems Management Suites that PARMGEN helps deploy, for example, the PARMGEN z/OS Discovery Library Adapter (DLA) integration enhancement.

Note that this APAR applies to all product versions. You do not have to upgrade to Tivoli® Management Services on z/OS® V6.3.0 Fix Pack 6 or later to take advantage of these features, but Tivoli Management Services V6.3.0 Fix Pack 6 or later is a prerequisite for the OMEGAMON® XE version 5.3.0 family of products on the distributed platform. Starting from OMEGAMON version 5.5.0 family products, Tivoli Management Services V6.3.0 Fix Pack 6 or later is a prerequisite on both distributed and z/OS platforms because the OMEGAMON V5.5.0 products are built on z/OS ITM 6.3.0 FP6 level of maintenance.

For product-specific enhancements, see the New in this release information for each OMEGAMON product. For a composite list of all the product-specific "What's New?" documentation, refer to OMEGAMON version 5.5.0 family products (3Q17 release).

If you upgrade a monitoring Agent and Tivoli Management Services, always review this topic related to any new PARMGEN profile parameters that you may need to add to your existing $GBL$USR global user profile if exploiting a product feature: Basic upgrade requirements

PARMGEN configuration framework enhancements and updates

The configuration software includes the following enhancements:
  • Updated the "Welcome to the z/OS Installation and Configuration Tools for IBM Tivoli Management Services (TMS) dependent products" preparation topics such as "IBM z Systems Management Suites that JOBGEN/PARMGEN help deploy - Overview", "Components in the Product Suites Matrix by Suite Code", "Components in the Product Suites Matrix by JOBGEN Exploitation" and "Components in the Product Suites Matrix by PARMGEN Exploitation". An thus you will know the following information ahead of time:
    • How to deploy the SMP/E and configuration requirements of the various components included in the suites.
    • Where to go next after the SMP/E and PARMGEN configuration phase of product deployment (especially components that use their own installation and configuration processes outside JOBGEN/PARMGEN controls).
    • Which components need further post-configuration work.
    This information can lead to a smoother deployment of the product suites. A well-planned ordering, system preparation, installation, configuration and post-configuration of the products mean a better time-to-value using the products quicker.
  • Updated additional JOBGEN and PARMGEN on-line help to support the following changes:
    • New version of IBM Service Management Suite for z/OS V1.5.0. Suite is refreshed to include new versions of the following products:
      • IBM OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 User Interface V7.5.0
      • IBM OMEGAMON Subsystem V7.5.0
      • IBM OMEGAMON for CICS on z/OS V5.5.0
      • IBM OMEGAMON for CICS TG on z/OS V5.5.0
      • IBM OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS V5.5.0
      • IBM OMEGAMON for Messaging on z/OS - MQ V7.5.0
      • IBM OMEGAMON for Messaging on z/OS - Integration Bus V7.5.0
      • IBM OMEGAMON for Networks on z/OS V5.5.0
      • IBM OMEGAMON for z/OS V5.5.0
      • IBM OMEGAMON Dashboard Edition on z/OS V5.5.0
      • IBM Tivoli Discovery Library Adapter V3.1.0 (JOBGEN support; now packaged in each OMEGAMON Family V5.5.0 standalone product package for PARMGEN use only)
    • New version of IBM OMEGAMON Performance Management Suite for z/OS V5.5.0. Suite is refreshed to include new versions products refreshed in the IBM Service Management Suite for z/OS of applicable V1.5.0.
    • New version of IBM OMEGAMON for z/OS Management Suite V5.5.0. Suite is refreshed to include new versions of applicable products refreshed in the IBM OMEGAMON Performance Management Suite for z/OS V5.5.0.
    • Updated helps to include new version of IBM Advanced Storage Management Suite V2.2 which includes support for the following products:
      • IBM Cloud Tape Connector for z/OS V1.1.0 (JOBGEN support)
      • IBM Advanced VSAM Manager for z/OS V2.6.0 (JOBGEN support)
      • IBM Advanced Archive for DFSMShsm V1.1.0 (JOBGEN support)
    • Updated helps to include new version of IBM DB2 Query Monitor for z/OS V3.3.
    • Updated helps to remove the IBM OMEGAMON Serviceability Log Analysis references as this is now dropped from the Suites.
  • Provided "Display a consolidated list of 'What's New' component READMEs" in PARMGEN UTILITIES panel to document the new IBM Knowledge Center URL Keys for the new 3Q17 product versions:
     ===========================================================  ======
                       PRODUCT FAMILIES AND SUITES:                KEY:
     ===========================================================  ======
     o. IBM Service Management Suite for z/OS                     SSANTA
     o. IBM OMEGAMON Performance Management Suite for z/OS        SS7MFU
     o. IBM OMEGAMON for z/OS Management Suite                    SS5PJ9
     o. IBM Advanced Storage Management Suite for z/OS            SSZKUS
     o. Tivoli Monitoring                                         SSTFXA
     o. OMEGAMON Family                                           SSAUBV
     o. IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis                   SSPFMY
     o. IBM Operations Analytics for z Systems                    SS55JD
     o. IBM Advanced Storage Management Suite for z/OS            SSZKUS
     o. Tivoli Advanced Allocation Management                     SSFLUS
     o. Tivoli Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm                        SS4J89
     o. Tivoli Advanced Backup and Recovery for z/OS              SS4J7P
     o. Tivoli Advanced Catalog Management for z/OS               SS4J6U
     o. Tivoli Advanced Reporting and Management for DFSMShsm     SSLKZD
     o. Tivoli Automated Tape Allocation Manager for z/OS         SSATAY
     o. IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS                               SSZJDU
     o. IBM Tivoli for System Automation for z/OS                 SSWRCJ
     o. ITCAM for Application Diagnostics                         SSDTFJ
     o. ITCAM for SOA                                             SS3PHK
     o. Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS                          SSH53X
     ===========================================================  ======
  • Provided currency and toleration support for the following updates:
    • Add z/OS 2.3
    • Add CICS TS V5.4
    • Drop DB2 V9.1 support in OMEGAMON for DB2 V5.4.0+
    • Drop IMS V9.1, IMS V10.1, IMS V11.1 support in OMEGAMON for IMS V5.5.0+
    This also includes product rebranding support for the following products:
    • OMEGAMON Family V5.5.0 products have removed "Tivoli" and "XE" as part of their official full product names.
    • OMEGAMON Family V5.5.0 components have removed "on z/OS" as part of their official short product names similar to OMEGAMON Family V5.4.0 components such as OMEGAMON for JVM and OMEGAMON for Storage.
    • OMEGAMON for CICS (formerly called OMEGAMON for CICS on z/OS)
    • OMEGAMON for IMS (formerly called OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS)
    • OMEGAMON for Messaging - MQ (formerly called OMEGAMON for WebSphere MQ Monitoring)
    • OMEGAMON for Messaging - Integration Bus (formerly called OMEGAMON for WebSphere MQ Broker)
    • OMEGAMON for Networks (formerly called OMEGAMON for Mainframe Networks)
    • OMEGAMON for z/OS (formerly called OMEGAMON on z/OS)
  • Enhanced "Customize PARMGEN configuration profiles" processing by providing additional PARMGEN KCIJPDLA autodiscovery functions for the following members in the RTE's WCONFIG dataset:
    • WCONFIG(%RTE_NAME%) LPAR RTE user profile:
      • Provided CICS TS V5.4 currency support. Autodiscover LPAR RTE user profile parameter for each CICS region to make it easier to set-up the On-line Data Viewer (ONDV) VSAM LDS RKC2HIST datasets for application history.
        Note: If z/OS Discovery Library Adapter FMID HIZD310's CICS TS V5.4 currency PTF UA92023 is applied, KC2_HSnn_CLASSIC_CICS_REGION LPAR RTE profile parameter is autodiscovered by the PARMGEN KCIJPDLA or KCIJPDL3 job if there are CICS TS V5.4 regions online.
    • WCONFIG($GBL$USR) global RTE user profile:
      • New GBL_DSN_CEE_SCEERUN2 parameter (autodiscovered value can be used for monitoring Agents that require the LE/370 "C" runtime library to be concatenated in the STC's STEPLIB DD).
      • GBL_DSN_CICS_CTG_DLL parameter (autodiscovered value is concatenated in the OMEGAMON for CICS TG Agent started task's STEPLIB DD). In PARMGEN 3Q17 IF PTF UA91953, this value is prepopulated with the autodiscovered SCTGDLL dataset as the preferred library over the previous settings of SCTGLINK.
      • GBL_DSN_NETVIEW_CNMLINK parameter (autodiscovered value is concatenated in the z/OS TEMS and Agent STCs' respective RKANMODL DD if you are enabling the ITM Forward Take Action commands to NetView for z/OS).
      • GBL_DSN_IMS_SCEXLINK and GBL_DSN_IMS_SFUNLINK parameters (autodiscovered value is concatenated in the OMEGAMON for IMS Agent started task's STEPLIB DD to exploit the IMS Connect Extensions Publisher API).
    • Updated WCONFIG(KJJ$SDL4) post-configuration imbed to OMEGAMON for JVM Agent's xKANSAMU(KJJDFINL) "Complete the configuration" tailored on-line README (autodiscovered z/OS Connect JVM started tasks and their respective STDENV data). This autodiscovery is further enhanced in 3Q17 IF to detect in-stream "STDENV DD *". The values are tailored into the OMEGAMON for JVM's post-configuration detailed monitoring enablement steps in the xKANSAMU(KJJDFINL) PARMGEN KJJ post-configuration tailored README).
    • New WCONFIG(KJJ$SDL5) post-configuration imbed to OMEGAMON for JVM Agent's xKANSAMU(KJJDFINL) "Complete the configuration" tailored on-line README (autodiscovered IBM Operational Decision Manager (ODM) JVMs' HBRMSTR files).
  • Provided additional PARMGEN z/OS DLA reports that aid staged maintenance and upgrades.

    With the function-specific PARMGEN KCIJPDL1, KCIJPDL2 and KCIJPDL3 jobs, when to run these jobs provide the flexibility for customers to stage maintenance and upgrades to control when to refresh the following files:

    • IDML books
    • $DLARPT report
    • LPAR RTE and $GBL$USR user profiles
    In addition to the current $DLARPT DLA report generated by either the KCIJPDLA "Composite PARMGEN z/OS Discovery Library Adapter (DLA) job" or the KCIJPDL2 "Generate PARMGEN $DLARPT report from DLA IDML books dataset" job, starting in PARMGEN 3Q17 IF, two new additional DLA reports are supported. The PARMGEN Utilities panel and a new PARMGEN DLA Menu (KCIPQDLA) provides additional handy DLA shortcut commands to support these new reports, as shown below:
        DLA     DLA
        Cmds.   Member/Report Displayed and Function
       DLAMENU  Starting in PARMGEN 3Q17 Interim Feature (IF) PTF UA91953,
                the various PARMGEN KCIJPDL* jobs, $DLA* reports and DLA*
                shortcut commands are provided in a menu format to make it
                easier to access key PARMGEN DLA autodiscovery tasks.  You
                can access the PARMGEN DLA Menu (KCIPQDLA panel) by typing
                the 'DLAMENU' command from the UTILITIES (KCIPQPGU panel).
                The DLA artifacts are also still accessible via the
                UTILITIES panel.
       DLADLTA  Review the RTE's WCONFIG($DLADLTA) DLA delta report.  This
                report is created by submitting the KCIJPDLA composite job
                or the KCIJPDL2 "Generate PARMGEN $DLARPT report from DLA
                IDML books dataset" if both $DLARPT and $DLAMAP reports
                already exist in the RTE's WCONFIG dataset.  'DLADLTA'
                command displays the $DLADLTA delta report.  This $DLADLTA
                delta report compares the previous $DLARPT report with the
                latest $DLARPT report run.  The delta report highlights
                the changes in the %RTE_NAME% LPAR RTE user profile and
                the $GBL$USR global user profile.
       DLAMAP   Review the RTE's WCONFIG($DLAMAP) parameter DLA map
                report.  This report is created by submitting the KCIJPDLA
                composite job or the KCIJPDL3 "Refresh %RTE_NAME% /
                $GBL$USR user profiles with $DLARPT data" job.  DLAMAP
                command displays the $DLAMAP report that maps what $DLARPT
                parameters equate to the equivalent PARMGEN %RTE_NAME% and
                $GBL$USR user profile parameters.
       Note:  The PARMGEN KCIJPDL* jobs' comments and PARMGEN Utilities
              on-line help panel topics below also provide details on
              the new $DLAMAP and $DLADLTA reports:
              o From PARMGEN Utilities menu:
                "4   PARMGEN z/OS Discovery Library Adapter (DLA) support"
                "6   Additional Utility options/shortcut commands"
              o From the new PARMGEN DLA menu:
                "1   DLAMENU - PARMGEN DLA Menu - Overview"
                "2   PARMGEN z/OS Discovery Library Adapter (DLA) support"
                "3   DLA shortcut commands"
  • Enhanced "Customize PARMGEN configuration profiles" processing by reducing product-specific LPAR RTE profile parameters that are coupled with automatic discovery of system properties. Continuous simplification of the deployment process is the key goal. With PARMGEN z/OS DLA autodiscovery functions, the need to customize product parameter values are greatly reduced. With mostly discovered data, streamlining how the product parameters are presented to the customers, is simplified further in PARMGEN 3Q17 IF PTF UA91953 with useful parameter PF Key macros:
       o F23=BASIC    to display only required product parameters or
                      parameters with best-practice IBM defaults but may
                      need to be overridden based on your site deployment
       o F24=ADVANCED to display only advanced (optional and/or conditional)
                      product parameters with best-practice IBM defaults but
                      may need to be overridden based on your site
                      deployment needs.
       o F22=SEARCH   to search parameters in PARMGEN IK*/W*/RK* libs.

    Basic (F23=BASIC PF Key) and Advanced (F24=ADVANCED PF Key) LPAR RTE profile parameter handling and ease-of-use grouping help a great deal especially for first-time-users.

    All products that PARMGEN configures in the various product suites benefit from this enhancement. When an LPAR RTE profile is created in a new RTE, or is refreshed in an existing RTE that is being maintained or upgraded the WCONFIG dataset, the various product parameters will be grouped with these helpful sections:
          ** ($$BEGIN - BASIC SECTION (&ppp - &component name)
          ** ($$END   - BASIC SECTION (&ppp - &component name)
          ** ($$BEGIN - ADVANCED SECTION (&ppp - &component name)
          ** ($$END   - ADVANCED SECTION (&ppp - &component name)
    The following products can take advantage of this streamlined Basic and Advanced LPAR RTE profile parameter grouping. The GA versions as well as any supported earlier versions benefit from this enhancement with PARMGEN 3Q17 IF PTF UA91953 applied:
       ---- -----------------------------------------------------------
       Kpp  Component Name and GA Version
       ---- -----------------------------------------------------------
       KAH  System Automation Monitoring Agent V3.5.0
       KCN  OMEGAMON Subsystem V7.5.0
       KC5  OMEGAMON for CICS V5.5.0
       KDO  Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS Agent V1.8.1
       KDS  Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server V6.3.0
       KD4  ITCAM for SOA Agent V7.1.1
       KD5  OMEGAMON for DB2 PE/PM V5.4.0
       KGW  OMEGAMON for CICS TG V5.5.0
       KI5  OMEGAMON for IMS V5.5.0
       KJJ  OMEGAMON for JVM V5.4.0
       KMC  OMEGAMON for Messaging - WebSphere MQ Configuration V7.3.0
       KMQ  OMEGAMON for Messaging - MQ V7.5.0
       KM5  OMEGAMON for z/OS V5.5.0
       KNA  NetView for z/OS Agent V6.2.1
       KN3  OMEGAMON for Networks V5.5.0
       KOB  OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 User Interface V7.5.0
       KQI  OMEGAMON for Messaging - Integration Bus V7.5.0
       KRG  Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm Agent V2.6.0
       KRH  Advanced Reporting and Management for DFSMShsm Agent V2.6.0
       KRJ  Advanced Allocation Management Agent V3.3.0
       KRK  Automated Tape Allocation Manager for z/OS Agent V3.3.0
       KRN  Advanced Catalog Management Agent V2.6.0
       KRV  Advanced Backup and Recovery for z/OS Agent V2.4.0
       KRW  Tape Optimizer for z/OS Agent V2.2.0
       KS3  OMEGAMON for Storage V5.4.0
       KWO  OMEGAMON Dashboard Edition - OMEGAVIEW V5.3.0
       KYN  ITCAM for Application Diagnostics, TEMA V7.1.0.03
  • Enhanced "Customize PARMGEN configuration profiles" processing by reducing over 575 total product-specific LPAR RTE profile parameters for removed product features documented in the OMEGAMON Family V5.5.0's respective product documentation. Refer to the "What's new in the OMEGAMON version 5.5.0 family products (3Q17 release)" topic in the OMEGAMON shared documentation, which has a composite table that lists the products' "What's New" KC links. A number of these removed features are as follows:
    • For all OMEGAMON products:
      • Removed the Common User Access (CUA) interface (also referred to as "OMEGAMON II") to reduce complexity and cost of ownership in the monitoring environment. SMEs experience improved ease of use since all key workspaces are now represented in the enhanced 3270 user interface (enhanced 3270UI) for additional problem solving capability. CUA is eliminated in Version 5.4 and Version 5.5 since functions which could be accomplished with CUA in previous releases, can now be accomplished with enhanced 3270UI.
      • For staged upgrade planning, use the KCIJPW1R job to delete any obsolete runtime members that are no longer generated by the PARMGEN $PARSE* job for the product-specific deprecated functions (CUA-related product runtime members, Epilog-related product runtime members, and other obsolete functions) from the product-execution user libraries for each RTE to upgrade (RKANCMDU, RKANPARU, RKANSAMU, RKD2PAR, RKD2PRF and RKD2SAM), when the product started tasks are not in use. The PARMGEN $PARSE "(Re)create runtime members and jobs" will not generate these members in the PARMGEN WK* staging work user libraries (WKANCMDU, WKANPARU, WKANSAMU, WKD2PAR, WKD2PRF and WKD2SAM), once PARMGEN detects that the versions of the products installed in the %GBL_TARGET_HILEV%.TK*/CSI are at the latest V5.4/V5.5/V7.5 FMIDs. PARMGEN also has logic added to no longer generate over 575 product-specific LPAR RTE profile parameters in the WCONFIG(%RTE_NAME%) LPAR RTE user profile once you refresh the RTE supported by the "1. Set up/Refresh PARMGEN work environment" processing on the "PARAMETER GENERATOR (PARMGEN) WORKFLOW - PRIMARY OPTION MENU".
      • PARMGEN KCIJPALO processing changes:
        • If the minimum OMEGAMON version is V5.5.0, increase space allocation for the following datasets to accommodate the V5.5 SMP/E requirements:
          • read-only %RTE_X_HILEV_SHARING%.%RTE_SHARE%.RKANWENU shared dataset.
          • RTE-specific %RTE_HILEV%.%RTE_NAME%.RKANDATV dataset
        • If the minimum OMEGAMON for Networks FMID HKN3vvv version is V5.5.0, add logic in PARMGEN to no longer allocate the read-only %RTE_X_HILEV_SHARING%.%RTE_SHARE%.RKANSAS shared dataset.
      • PARMGEN KCIJPLOD/KCIJPW1R/KCIJPW2R dependencies and changes:
        • If the minimum OMEGAMON for Networks FMID HKN3vvv version is V5.5.0, add logic in PARMGEN to no longer load the read-only %RTE_X_HILEV_SHARING%.%RTE_SHARE%.RKANSAS shared dataset as the SMP/E target dataset %GBL_TARGET_HILEV%.TKANSAS is no longer shipped starting in HKN3550 FMID. The KCIJPLOD job is updated to no longer generate the KANSAS IEBCOPY step in this scenario.
        • New DELRUN2 step is added to delete obsolete modules from the xKANMOD* load libraries, obsolete Object Definition Information (ODI) files from the RTE's RKANDATV, obsolete panels from the read-only RKANWENU, and obsolete screenspace from the read-only RKppPROC profile dataset, once PARMGEN detects that the minimum OMEGAMON version installed is V5.5.0/V7.5.0.
        • New handy standalone KCIDELJB job is available for staged upgrades. This standalone job is the equivalent of the BUILDEX*/DELRUN* steps of the composite KCIJPLOD job. Submit the composite KCIDELJB standalone job, which deletes obsolete elements in read-only runtime dataset copies of the %GBL_TARGET_HILEV%.TK* SMP/E target datasets. Run this job when the started tasks are not running in order to do the clean-up.
          Tip: Related to using the KCIJPLOD job's new DELRUN2 step to clean-up these obsolete read-only elements from the read-only product execution datasets (RKANMOD* load libraries, RKANDATV ODI library, RKANWENU enhanced 3270UI workspace library, etc.), use the KCIJPW1R job to clean-up obsolete PARMGEN tailored runtime members from the product execution user libraries when the product started tasks are not running.
      • PARMGEN KCIJPW1R/KCIJPW2R dependencies and changes:

        For staged upgrade planning, use the KCIJPW1R job to delete any obsolete runtime members that are no longer generated by the PARMGEN $PARSE* job for the product-specific deprecated functions (CUA-related product runtime members, Epilog-related product runtime members, and other obsolete functions) from the product-execution user libraries for each RTE to upgrade (RKANCMDU, RKANPARU, RKANSAMU, RKD2PAR, RKD2PRF and RKD2SAM), when the product started tasks are not in use.

        Tip: You do not have to delete these obsolete runtime members from the product execution user libraries (RK* user) immediately after SMP/E upgrade and reconfiguration of the RTEs pointing to the upgraded SMP/E target datasets. The product started tasks upgraded and loaded with the latest OMEGAMON V5.5 code will continue to run and tolerate the obsolete runtime members. You can continue to use the KCIJPW2R "Copy runtime mbrs from WK*->RK* RW libraries" to refresh the RK* user libraries after an upgrade following either the SMPE04, SMPE05, or SMPE06 upgrade scenario.
      • PARMGEN KCIJPSEC processing changes:

        If the minimum OMEGAMON for IMS FMID HKI5vvv version is V5.5.0, add logic in PARMGEN to:

        remove IMS V9.1-related module (KOICTJQ), IMS V10.1-related module (KOICTKQ) and IMS V11.1-related module (KOICTLQ) from COPYKOIM step and KOISUPDI PROC in the composite job and in the xKANSAMU(KOISUPD) standalone OMEGAMON for IMS security tailored job.
        Tip: Before you rerun KCIJPSEC job, you must take steps to disable/enable IMS related modules no longer shipped/newly shipped in the version of OMEGAMON for IMS installed by FMID HKI5vvv. For detailed information, see "Enabling the IMS version-related modules" topic in the OMEGAMON for IMS documentation. In summary, customize the WCONFIG(KI2$SSC*) override imbeds prior to rerunning the $PARSE* job, which refreshes the upgraded KCIJPSEC job.
      • PARMGEN KCIJPLNK processing changes:
        • LKEDppp steps are no longer generated for OMEGAMON for IMS and OMEGAMON for Networks. Their corresponding standalone version of these link jobs (KI2BLDLI for OMEGAMON for IMS, and KONLINK for OMEGAMON for Networks) are also removed starting in V5.5.0.
    • For OMEGAMON for IMS:
      • IMS Console Facility (I/CF) is no longer supported, so the relevant messages, PARMGEN product parameters, runtime members, jobs and commands are removed. Use the new feature of IMS Commander, which is implemented within the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface.
      • Individual settings as a configuration choice for the KI5_IInn_* KIPCNFG XE collectors are removed to simplify configuration. Instead, unless otherwise specified in PARMGEN, IMS Connect AUTODISCOVER is set to YES by default. PARMGEN logic is in place to continue to support the advanced KIPCNFG XE granular collectors in earlier versions of OMEGAMON for IMS, but it is recommended to take the PARMGEN LPAR RTE default settings.
      • IMS Command Batch Message Processing interface (known as the BMP interface) that is designed to supplement the Write-to-Operator with Reply (WTOR) interface is no longer supported, so the PARMGEN product parameters, runtime members, jobs and commands are removed. Use the ICMD feature in the KIPCMD workspace from the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface.
      • ATF Detail Exception Data DETXLOGR=%KI2_LOGR_LS_PREFIX%.&imsid.DX VSAM dataset is no longer allocated or processed in the KI2ATFmp runtime members.
    • For OMEGAMON for z/OS:
      • Epilog is no longer supported, so the relevant messages, PARMGEN product parameters, runtime members, jobs and commands are removed. Use the product's replacement feature, which is implemented within the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface.
    • For OMEGAVIEW/OMEGAVIEW II for the Enterprise:
      • Starting in OMEGAMON Dashboard Edition on z/OS V5.5.0, OMEGAVIEW Agent configuration is removed. Use the product's replacement feature, which is implemented within the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface.
    • For End-to-End Response Time Monitor started task, this common component is applicable to the following products only. ETE is no longer supported in the V5.5.0 Family:
      • OMEGAMON for CICS V5.3.0 and earlier versions only
      • OMEGAMON for IMS V5.1.0 and earlier versions only
      • OMEGAMON for Networks V5.3.0 and earlier versions only
      • OMEGAMON for z/OS V5.3.0 and earlier versions only
      • PARMGEN KCIJPLOD processing changes:

        If HKET620 End-to-End FMID is not installed, adjust the logic in PARMGEN when to generate the KANMODR IEBCOPY step from SMP/E %GBL_TARGET_HILEV%.TKANMODR target dataset to the read-only RKANMODR base dataset. TKANMODR is only SMP/E packaged by the HKET620 End-to-End FMID, the OMEGAMON for CICS FMID HKC5vvv and the OMEGAMON for IMS FMID HKI5vvv.

      • PARMGEN KCIJPSYS processing changes:

        With similar SMP/E requirements noted above, add logic in PARMGEN to no longer generate the ETE started task nor copy it to the system PROCLIB dataset (%GBL_DSN_SYS1_PROCLIB%), nor generate its START/STOP %RTE_CANSETE_STC% commands in the composite xxxxSTRT/xxxxSTOP tailored PROCs.

  • Provided additional IVP advanced validation checks:
    • Detect an error condition when customer executes the "DLAJOB" shortcut command on the "Customize PARMGEN configuration profiles" KCIP@PG6 panel but the z/OS DLA SMP/E SIZD* target datasets do not exist or customer has a different zDLA high level qualifier (IZDHLQ parameter) in the DLADISC step of KCIJPDLA job.
    • Detect an error condition when customer executes the "DLAJOB" shortcut command on the "Customize PARMGEN configuration profiles" KCIP@PG6 panel but the z/OS DLA FMID HIZD310 is not installed. Provide a warning that IZDHLQ must point to the SMP/E HLQ where you installed FMID HIZD310. UA78769 also introduced the SMPTLOAD requirement. See sample KCIDDFJB SMPTLOAD DDDEF job in %GBL_TARGET_HILEV%.TKANSAM(KCIDDFJB) for more information.
    • Detect a warning condition when specifying a new GBL_USER_JCL PARMGEN JCL library using a NONSMS-managed HLQ, but no required VOLUME and UNIT values were supplied on the KCIP@TLV panel. In this case, provide a warning message to re-invoke PARMGEN using the INIT invocation option:
      %GBL_USER_JCL% ALLOC failed! 
      Or re-invoke PARMGEN and pass on the 'INIT' option.  For example 
      Command ==> EX '%GBL_TARGET_HILEV%.TKANCUS' 'INIT'"
  • Enhanced the PARMGEN KCIJPDL* processing to generate helpful "* zDLA $DLARPT job no DB2 auth" in the autodiscovered "KD2_DBnn_DB2_VER" OMEGAMON for DB2 LPAR RTE profile parameter alerting customers when DB2 Authorizations have not been performed prior to using the KCIJPDLA function. The KCIJPDL* jobs have been updated to list the DB2 specific SQL GRANT commands.
    Technote Preinstallation Requirements and Instructions has been updated with "Important System Requirements:" zDLA requirements.
  • Provided JOBGEN support for IBM Tivoli Discovery Library Adapter FMID HIZD310.
    Tip: JOBGEN file-tailors SMP/E jobs that accommodate the SMP/E requirements of FMID HIZD310, ideally installed in an existing or new OMEGAMON/ITM CSI, where one can take advantage of using the PARMGEN z/OS DLA integration autodiscovery jobs (KCIJPDLA). Each OMEGAMON Family V5.5.0 standalone product package will now ship the z/OS DLA FMID HIZD310 by default (for PARMGEN use only).
  • Provided a new "R" option to make it easier to (R)efresh the product templates and IBM-supplied default profiles prior to recreating the product runtime members. This is applicable to SMPE02 or SMPE03 maintenance scenario.
                 Description                    Job Name
          ---------------------------------------------- --------
       R  Refresh IK* templates/WCONFIG *$IBM profiles.  KCIJPUP1
       1. Create runtime members/jobs in all WK* libs.   $PARSE
          ---------------------------------------------- --------

Product-specific enhancements

The following product-specific enhancements are provided in this release:
Tivoli Management Services: Engine infrastructure common to all z/OS TEMS and Agents
The following features are added:
  • (Common to all z/OS TEMS and z/OS Agents) Enhanced configuration to auto-discover the following parameter values by the PARMGEN z/OS DLA integration:
    • Auto-discover new $GBL$USR global user profile parameter GBL_DSN_CEE_SCEERUN2. The auto-discovered value can be used for monitoring Agents that require the LE/370 "C" runtime library to be concatenated in the STC's STEPLIB DD.
    • Auto-discover $GBL$USR global user profile parameter GBL_DSN_NETVIEW_CNMLINK. The auto-discovered value is concatenated in the z/OS TEMS and Agent STCs' respective RKANMODL DD if you are enabling the ITM Forward Take Action commands to NetView for z/OS.
      Tip: It is ideal to customize this library as part of initial RTE deployment even if the respective ITM features that require the CNMLINK dataset is not yet enabled. Auto-discovering this load library value ensures that PARMGEN sets up the product started tasks' STEPLIB DD to concatenate this dataset to avoid recycling the TEMS and Agent started tasks later.
    • Auto-discover $GBL$USR global user profile parameter GBL_DSN_TCP_SYSTCPD_TCPDATA for SYSTCPD DD that is required for a number of ITM features if enabled (for example, if LPAR contains more than one TCP/IP stack).
  • Provide a new handy RTE RKANSQLU(KDSSQLD) Sample SPUFIL Delete SQL statements member, to remove obsolete product entries in the O4SRV.T* z/OS TEMS Enterprise Information Base (EIB) tables (%RTE_VSAM_HILEV%.%RTE_NAME%.RKDS* VSAM datasets). PARMGEN KCIJPLOD job is updated to provide a new SQLLIBCP IEBCOPY step to copy this new KDSSQLD member (along with the handy new KDSSQL1 SDA TAPPLPROPS RKDSAPPL TEMS VSAM member introduced in PARMGEN 4Q16 IF), from the PARMGEN WKANSAMU work staging dataset to the product-execution RTE RKANSQLU dataset. PARMGEN automatically concatenates the RKANSQLU dataset in the TEMS' SQLLIB DD, where the TEMS SPUFIL processing is operationally performed during TEMS CTDS SPUFIL invocation.
    Tip: On distributed platforms, performing this SPUFIL equates to the tacmd deleteappinstallrecs function. Having a handy KDSSQL* members supplied by PARMGEN provides an alternative to perform the function on the readily-available z/OS platform, if the distributed TEPS is not available or is not yet set-up.
  • Enhance RKANSAMU(KCIODIJB) standalone RKANDATV refresh job and the new cross-RTE %GBL_USER_JCL%(KCIJ@ODI) RKANDATV refresh job to also generate a useful VVRRMMFF table which helps with the distributed TACMD execution planning *PRIOR* to the various Agents' product startup:
      Example KCIODIJB output:
        KCIRDATV - I (Reference) List of Product Code and Version for TACMD
        KCIRDATV - I TKANDATV pp VRMF = vvrrmmff
        KCIRDATV - I ======== == ===============
        KCIRDATV - I KAHVRTMS AH VRMF = 03500000
        KCIRDATV - I KCPVRTMS CP VRMF = 05500000
        KCIRDATV - I KDPVRTMS DP VRMF = 05400000
        KCIRDATV - I KGWVRTMS GW VRMF = 05500000
        KCIRDATV - I KIPVRTMS IP VRMF = 05500000
        KCIRDATV - I KJJVRTMS JJ VRMF = 05400200
        KCIRDATV - I KM5VRTMS M5 VRMF = 05500000
        KCIRDATV - I KNAVRTMS NA VRMF = 06210000
        KCIRDATV - I KN3VRTMS N3 VRMF = 05500000
        KCIRDATV - I KQQVRTMS QQ VRMF = 03200000
        KCIRDATV - I KRGVRTMS RG VRMF = 02600000
        KCIRDATV - I KRHVRTMS RH VRMF = 02600000
        KCIRDATV - I KRJVRTMS RJ VRMF = 03300002
        KCIRDATV - I KRKVRTMS RK VRMF = 03300001
        KCIRDATV - I KRNVRTMS RN VRMF = 02600000
        KCIRDATV - I KRVVRTMS RV VRMF = 02400001
        KCIRDATV - I KS3VRTMS S3 VRMF = 05400001
    To generate the new cross-RTE %GBL_USER_JCL%(KCIJ@ODI) RKANDATV refresh job, type the LOADDATV command on the Runtime Environments (RTEs) panel (KCIP@RTE). Get to the Runtime Environments (RTEs) panel (KCIP@RTE) via one of the following ways:
    • Option 0 from the PARMGEN UTILITIES menu.
  • Add placeholder parameter support for the following parameters in the WCONFIG(KDS$PENV) imbed to the TEMS xKANPARU(KDSENV) environmental file, which is read at TEMS STC startup.
        ** o CMS_NODE_VALIDATION parameter enables the rejection of
        **   incorrect managed system names.
  • Add best-practice user symbols for WCONFIG(KDS$PENV) placeholder parameters so they are ready for the KCIPARSE step during variables substitution step at TEMS startup. IBM default variables profile %GBL_USER_JCL%(KCI$RTEV) adds the following user symbol definition:
    KDS_CMS_NODE_VALIDATION   YES         *default if used
  • Enhance KCIJPUSP job's KDSUSSDV step to use RTE_USS_MKDIR_MODE parameter value (default=775) to customize the oshell chmod %RTE_USS_MKDIR_MODE% z/OS UNIX System Services command in the RKANDATV(KDSUSS) member. This member copies the RKANDATV(KDSDPROF) TEMS_JAVA_BINPATH member to z/OS UNIX.
    Tip: The ability to customize the permission bits in the z/OS UNIX command caters to sites that implement the new UMASK() override permissions at the system level (for example, UMASK override of 0007 means no permissions altogether for the OTHER bit regardless what the PARMGEN mkdir commands created the directories in the KCIJPUSS job).
  • Update xKANSAMU(KDSDFINL) post-configuration step "Step 4 - Copy procedures to %GBL_DSN_SYS1_PROCLIB%" to add this refresh note when adding products to an existing TEMS after initial configuration:
       - Certain products add special product-specific DDNAMEs to the
         %KDS_TEMS_STC% TEMS started task when the respective products
         are configured in the RTE.  These products are as follows:
         o OMEGAMON for Messaging - MQ Configuration (KMC) Agent adds
           RKCF* DDNAMEs to the TEMS started task:
           //RKCFDLOG DD DISP=SHR,
           //         DSN=&RHILEV..&SYS..RKCFDLOG
           //RKCFAPLT DD DISP=SHR,
           //         DSN=&RVHILEV..&SYS..RKCFAPLT
           //RKCFAPLA DD DISP=SHR,
           //         DSN=&RVHILEV..&SYS..RKCFAPLA
           //RKCFAPLN DD DISP=SHR,
           //         DSN=&RVHILEV..&SYS..RKCFAPLN
           //*DSNAOINI DD DISP=SHR,
           //*         DSN=&RHILEV..&SYS..RKANPARU(KCFDBINI)
         o OMEGAMON for Storage (KS3) Agent adds SYSTSPRT and RKS3I*
           DDNAMEs to the TEMS started task:
           //RKS3IRDR  DD SYSOUT=(,INTRDR)
           //RKS3IDCO  DD DUMMY
  • Update the PARMGEN F1=Help Parameter On-line Help text for the TEMS' KDS_TEMS_STORAGE_MINIMUM_EXTEND LPAR RTE profile parameter in the WCONFIG(%RTE_NAME%):
      "Tip: The default values should work for most cases, but if you
            have a large shop and numerous ITM components (other TEMS,
            Agents) communicating to this TEMS running on this LPAR, or
            z/OS Agents running in this local TEMS address space,
            please review this documentation for best practice storage
            deployment considerations:

    KDS_TEMS_STORAGE_MINIMUM_EXTEND LPAR RTE profile parameter value populates the MINIMUM(%KDS_TEMS_STORAGE_MINIMUM_EXTEND%,X) parameter in the TEMS' RKANPARU(KDSSYSIN) runtime member. Default is MINIMUM(768000,X) parameter.

OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 User Interface V7.3.0 and V7.5.0
This is JOBGEN SMP/E installation and PARMGEN application configuration support for a new version of IBM OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 User Interface V7.5.0 and OMEGAMON Subsystem V7.5.0, which are OMNIMON base features delivered in the HKOB750 FMID. The following configuration enhancements are provided to support new features in this new version.
  • Add placeholder parameter support for the following parameters in the WCONFIG(KOB$PENV) imbed to the TOM xKANPARU(KOBENV) environmental file, which is read at OMEGAMON enhanced 3270UI (%KOB_TOM_STC%) TOM STC startup.
  • Add best-practice user symbols for WCONFIG(KOB$PENV) placeholder parameters so they are ready for the KCIPARSE step during variables substitution step at TOM startup. IBM default variables profile %GBL_USER_JCL%(KCI$RTEV) adds the following user symbol definitions:
      - KOB_PNG_TIMEOUT            1                      *default if used
      - KOB_SO_TIMEOUT             15                     *default if used
      - KOB_DIS_TIMEOUT            30                     *default if used
  • Update xKANSAMU(KOBDFINL) post-configuration step "(Optional) Complete enablement of alternate XKAN* Tivoli OMEGAMON (TOM) datasets for other integration products that deliver workspaces and other OMEGAMON enhanced 3270UI support elements" to document new version KQQ IBM DB2 Query Monitor for z/OS V3.3.
  • Change default values of the following parameters in the WCONFIG(KOB$PENV) imbed to xKANPARU(KOBENV):
OMEGAMON for CICS V5.3.0 and V5.5.0
This is JOBGEN SMP/E installation and PARMGEN application configuration support for a new version of IBM OMEGAMON for CICS on z/OS V5.5.0 (HKC5550 FMID). The following configuration enhancements are provided to support new features in this new version.
  • Enhance configuration of KC2GLB globals customization in PARMGEN UTILITIES panel option 10. GBL_DSN_GLOBAL_SOURCE_LIB navigation by clarifying the usage of these KC2GLB globals ONDV parameters:

    For customers enabling usage of the On-line Data Viewer (ONDV) task history RKC2HIST VSAM LDS as the storage type (DATA_STORE_TYPE=FILEOCMP or DATA_STORE_TYPE=AUTO), enablement instructions are needed in the OMEGAMON for CICS KC2GLB manage global documentation that customers must add the key DATA_STORE_FILE_NAME parameter in the KC2GLB global in use by the OMEGAMON for CICS Classic started task's RKC2GLBL DDNAME. The DATA_STORE_FILE_NAME parameter is not supplied by the OMEGAMON for CICS product by default, because its default ONDV task history storage is dataspace.

    Enablement instructions are added to the PARMGEN globals in-context help. Syntax examples of DATA_STORE_FILE_NAME are also provided.

       KCIPGLH2  Product Global Data Area EDIT Help Panel
       Cursor: <ONLINE_VIEWER> *
             If this parameter is omitted, the default is DSPACE.
               DSPACE indicates that data for task history collection
               is saved in a dataspace owned by the OMEGAMON for CICS
               (3270) interface.  This data is saved until the task
               history collector terminates.
               FILEOCMP indicates that task history data is saved in
               a VSAM linear dataset.  No z/OS dataspace is used.
               FILEOCMP is required if you have a very large number
               of CICS transaction records that you wish to access
               through the ONDV command in OMEGAMON for CICS (3270)
               The size of the VSAM file does not have an impact on
               the amount of virtual storage used in the OMEGAMON for
               CICS or CICS address spaces.  FILEOCMP causes data to
               be compressed before it is written to the data store.
               The file should be allocated prior to restarting the
               CICS address space using this FILEOCMP monitoring
               option.  Refer to the planning and configuration guide
               for further information.
               Note: You must add the DATA_STORE_FILE_NAME parameter
                     if you are using DATA_STORE_TYPE=FILEOCMP or
               AUTO indicates that the value of DATA_STORE_TYPE could
               automatically be switched between DSPACE and FILEOCMP.
               The value FILEOCMP is used if the file which is
               specified for a CICS region exists.  If no file
               matches the definition then the value DSPACE is used.
               Notes: This parameter is applicable to OMEGAMON for
                      CICS V5.5.0 and higher versions only.
                      You must add the DATA_STORE_FILE_NAME parameter
                      if you are using DATA_STORE_TYPE=FILEOCMP or
             Whether you use a dataspace or linear dataset, the task
             history collector writes records using a wraparound
             format.  Once the dataspace or dataset is full, the task
             history collector resumes writing records from the
             beginning, overlaying the previous data.
       Cursor: <ONLINE_VIEWER> *
             Specifies the name of a VSAM linear dataset when the
             You can share global data area modules (but not VSAM
             datasets) across different CICS regions even though a
             dataset name is specified in the global data area
             module.  To do this, you must insert one wildcard
             character (*) somewhere in the VSAM dataset name on this
             operand.  When the task history collector is running,
             the wildcard character is replaced by the job name of
             the CICS region being monitored.  The wildcard character
             may appear anywhere in the dataset name and should occur
             only once.
             Syntax example:
             o DATA_STORE_FILE_NAME=&rtevhlq.&rte.*.RKC2HIST
                    - &rtevhlq = Your RTE_VSAM_HILEV VSAM HLQ value
                                 you specified during PARMGEN RTE
                                 configuration in the RTE's
                                 WCONFIG(%RTE_NAME%) LPAR RTE
                    - &rte     = Your RTE_NAME LPAR RTE name)
             In PARMGEN, review the KC2_HS* table parameter rows in
             the RTE's WCONFIG(%RTE_NAME%) LPAR RTE profile to enable
             the allocation of the ONDV task history VSAM LDS
             in the PARMGEN-tailored xKANSAMU(KC2HISJB) standalone
             OMEGAMON for CICS task history VSAM allocation job or in
             the xKANSAMU(KCIJPALO) composite dataset allocation job.
  • Add new Step 8 - (Optional) Start/stop product functions dynamically step in xKANSAMU(KC5DFINL) post-configuration on-line README to provide a quick way to increase the OMEGAMON for CICS Agent's WLM BLOCKS parameter dynamically and thereby avoid recycling the OMEGAMON for CICS Agent.
  • OMEGAMON CUA, Epilog and End-to-End features are no longer supported, so the relevant messages, PARMGEN product parameters, runtime members, jobs and commands are removed. Use the product-specific replacement features, which are implemented within the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface.
OMEGAMON for CICS TG V5.3.0 and V5.5.0
This is JOBGEN SMP/E installation and PARMGEN application configuration support for a new version of OMEGAMON for CICS TG V5.5.0 (HKGW550 FMID), which is part of the IBM OMEGAMON for CICS on z/OS product package. The following configuration enhancements are provided to support new features in this new version.
  • Enhance configuration to autodiscovery the following parameter values by the PARMGEN KCIJPDLA discovery job:
    • Auto-discover LPAR RTE user profile parameter for each CICS TG Gateway Daemon STC name or the WebSphere region: KGW_SAnn_CTG_DAEMON_STC.
    • Auto-discover $GBL$USR global user profile parameters GBL_DSN_CICS_CTG_DLL CICS TG Dynamic Link Library. Auto-discovered value is concatenated in the OMEGAMON for CICS TG Agent started task's STEPLIB DD. In PARMGEN 3Q17 IF PTF UA91953, this value is pre-populated with the auto-discovered SCTGDLL dataset as the preferred library over the previous settings of SCTGLINK.
OMEGAMON for IMS V5.3.0 and V5.5.0
This is JOBGEN SMP/E installation and PARMGEN application configuration support for a new version of IBM OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS V5.5.0 (HKI5550 FMID). The following configuration enhancements are provided to support new features in this new version.
  • Enhance configuration to auto-discover the following parameter values by the PARMGEN KCIJPDLA discovery job:
    • Auto-discover $GBL$USR global user profile parameters:
      • GBL_DSN_IMS_SCEXLINK IMS Connect load library
      • GBL_DSN_IMS_SFUNLINK IMS Connect load library
      • GBL_DSN_IMS_RESLIB IMS RESLIB load library
    • Auto-discover LPAR RTE user profile parameter for each IMS subsystem monitored:
      • KI2_I1nn_CLASSIC_IMSID
  • Automatically instantiate each IMS-subsystem specific parameter value for each IMS subsystem discovered to ensure uniqueness as the product requires that each IMS subsystem is monitored by a unique OMEGAMON for IMS MPREFIX, Classic started task, Classic VTAM major node, and Classic VTAM APPLID, as shown in the example of 2 IMS subsystem rows auto-discovered:
      - KI2_I101_CLASSIC_MPREFIX      M0
      - KI2_I101_CLASSIC_STC          IBMOI0
      - KI2_I102_CLASSIC_MPREFIX      M1
      - KI2_I102_CLASSIC_STC          IBMOI1
  • Change KI2_I1nn_CLASSIC_LROWS default value from 255 to 9999. Existing RTEs are not impacted. The new default value takes effect for new RTEs created after you apply PARMGEN 3Q17 IF PTF.
  • Change LPAR RTE profile parameter KI5_X_AGT_STORAGE_LIMIT_EXTEND default value from 23 to 24.

    KI5_X_AGT_STORAGE_LIMIT_EXTEND LPAR RTE profile parameter value populates the LIMIT(%KI5_X_AGT_STORAGE_LIMIT_EXTEND%,X) parameter in the Agent's RKANPARU(KI5SYSIN) runtime member. New default is LIMIT(24,X) parameter (applicable to new RTEs created with PTF UA91953 applied).

  • OMEGAMON CUA and End-to-End features are no longer supported, so the relevant messages, PARMGEN product parameters, runtime members, jobs and commands are removed. Use the product-specific replacement features, which are implemented within the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface.
OMEGAMON for Messaging (WebSphere MQ, a.k.a. MQ Monitoring) V7.3.0 and V7.5.0
This is JOBGEN SMP/E installation and PARMGEN application configuration support for a new version of IBM OMEGAMON for Messaging on z/OS - MQ V7.5.0 (HKMQ750 FMID). The following configuration enhancements are provided to support new features in this new version.
  • Enhance configuration to auto-discover the following parameter values by the PARMGEN KCIJPDLA discovery job:
    • Auto-discover $GBL$USR global user profile parameters for WebSphere MQ load libraries:
    • Auto-discover WCONFIG(KMQ$CUSR) RKANCMDU(KMQUSER) imbed to add placeholder entries for discovered MQ Queue managers.
  • Update the RTE xKANSAMU(KCIDFINL) post-configuration on-line README step "7c) Add the following modules to the IPL linklist" to add KMQAMHSE module introduced by HKMQ730 PTF UA82781. It reads: "KMQASSIN, KMQAMHST, KMQAMHSD, KMQAMHSE modules (OMEGAMON for Messaging) in load library (TKANMOD SMP/E target or read-only RTE RKANMOD dataset), if Application Statistics feature (MQI Monitoring), will be enabled".
  • Change LPAR RTE profile parameter KMQ_X_AGT_STORAGE_LIMIT_EXTEND default value from 23 to 24.

    KMQ_X_AGT_STORAGE_LIMIT_EXTEND LPAR RTE profile parameter value populates the LIMIT(%KMQ_X_AGT_STORAGE_LIMIT_EXTEND%,X) parameter in the Agent's RKANPARU(KMQSYSIN) runtime member. New default is LIMIT(24,X) parameter (applicable to new RTEs created with PTF UA91953 applied).

  • Remove the MQ3270 function in the RTE's RKANCMDU(KDSSTRT1) TEMS startup and in the RKANPARU (KDSSYSIN) TEMS loadlist startup runtime members. The following statements are now removed once OMEGAMON for Messaging - MQ V7.5.0 is configured or upgraded in the RTE where the TEMS is configured:
    • From RKANCMDU(KDSSTRT1) TEMS startup:
    • From RKANPARU(KDSSYSIN) TEMS startup:
    This removal also helps in reducing CPU overhead at the TEMS address space.
OMEGAMON for Messaging (WebSphere Message Broker, a.k.a. IBM Integration Bus, Monitoring) V7.3.0 and V7.5.0
This is JOBGEN SMP/E installation and PARMGEN application configuration support for a new version of IBM OMEGAMON for Messaging on z/OS - Integration Bus V7.5.0 (HKQI750 FMID). The following configuration enhancements are provided to support new features in this new version.
  • Enhance configuration to auto-discover the following parameter values by the PARMGEN KCIJPDLA discovery job:
    • Auto-discover $GBL$USR global user profile parameter GBL_DSN_CEE_SCEERUN LE load library.
    • Auto-discover LPAR RTE user profile parameter KQI_XML_XIMBNAME_MON_BRKR_NAME giving the name of the broker to be monitored.
    • Auto-discover LPAR RTE user profile parameter KQI_XML_XIMBDIR1 giving the broker's ENVFILE z/OS UNIX path.
    • Auto-discover WCONFIG(KQI$XML) RKANDATV(KQIXML) imbed to add XML entries for additional brokers to monitor.
    • Auto-discover monitored brokers and list each discovered broker’s STDENV z/OS UNIX directory in the xKANSAMU(KQIDFINL) post-configuration tailored on-line README for KqiAgent.
  • Modify the KQIXML product parameter default values as follows:
    • KQI_XML_XIREQMDL_REPLY_QUE_MDL KQIXML's defaultReplyQueueModel default changed from SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE to SYSTEM.BROKER.MODEL.QUEUE. This attribute specifies the name of the queue that will be used as a model for creation of the Agent reply queue for any queue manager to which the Agent connects. The PARMGEN KCIJPUSP job uses this value to build the RTE's RKANDATV(KQIXML).
    • KQI_XML_XISSRET_SNAPSHOT_SAMPLE KQIXML's defaultRetainRecentSnapshotSamples default changed from 15 to 0 if you apply the HKQI730 FP2 PTF tracked in APAR OA51396 (and higher versions). Starting PARMGEN 3Q17 IF PTF UA91953, PARMGEN default will also support a null default setting (KQI_XML_XISSRET_SNAPSHOT_SAMPLE "") resulting in KCIJPUSP/KCIJPUSS job to generate defaultRetainRecentSnapshotSamples=" " value. This setting takes advantage of using the internal product code KQIXML default of "0" in the event that the HKQIvvv support is not applied. This attribute gives the minimum number of Snapshot Message Flow Accounting and Statistics samples that will be retained by the Agent for viewing in reports. This is a minimum, more may be retained at any given time. Note that this value should be set to 0 if you do not want the Agent to process Snapshot data from the broker at all. The PARMGEN KCIJPUSP job uses this value to build the RTE’s RKANDATV(KQIXML).
OMEGAMON for Messaging (WebSphere MQ Configuration) V7.3.0
The following enhancements are added
  • Enhance configuration to remove starting up the RKPDIN DD EXEC for KMCPDICT persistent datastore processing in a z/OS Remote TEMS. To save TEMS and Agent STC CPU overhead, PARMGEN logic checks are added to not start the KCFAUDIT history processing in the TEMS KPDPCTL, KPDPCTL2, and KPDDEFIN ITM persistent datastore runtime members in the RTE's RKANPARU dataset.
  • Enhance configuration to auto-discover the following parameter values by the PARMGEN KCIJPDLA discovery job:
    • Auto-discover $GBL$USR global user profile parameters for WebSphere MQ load libraries:
OMEGAMON for z/OS V5.3.0 and V5.5.0
This is JOBGEN SMP/E installation and PARMGEN application configuration support for a new version of IBM OMEGAMON for z/OS V5.5.0 (HKM5550 FMID). The following configuration enhancements are provided to support new features in this new version.
  • OMEGAMON CUA, Epilog and End-to-End features are no longer supported, so the relevant messages, PARMGEN product parameters, runtime members, jobs and commands are removed. Use the product-specific replacement features, which are implemented within the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface.
OMEGAMON for Networks V5.3.0 and V5.5.0
This is JOBGEN SMP/E installation and PARMGEN application configuration support for a new version of IBM OMEGAMON for Networks on z/OS V5.5.0 (HKN3550 FMID). The following configuration enhancements are provided to support new features in this new version.
  • Enhance configuration to auto-discover the following parameter values by the PARMGEN KCIJPDLA discovery job:
    • Auto-discover LPAR RTE user profile parameters for each TCP/IP stack monitored:
  • OMEGAMON CUA and End-to-End features are no longer supported, so the relevant messages, PARMGEN product parameters, runtime members, jobs and commands are removed. Use the product-specific replacement features, which are implemented within the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface.
Enhance configuration to auto-discover the following parameter values by the PARMGEN KCIJPDLA discovery job:
  • Auto-discover the various JVM subsystem and application types running that are eligible for monitoring, and their respective z/OS UNIX directories to make it easier for customer to add the OMEGAMON for JVM monitoring Agent's (-javaagent) and IBM Java Health Center Agent's (-Xbootclasspath, -agentpath) respective enablement options. List each discovered z/OS UNIX directory or file location for these parameters in the xKANSAMU(KJJDFINL) post-configuration tailored on-line README for KJJ Agent:
    • JVMPROFILEDIR / USSHOME from CICS SIT for enabling the Health Center Agent and OMEGAMON for JVM Agent enablement options in CICS JVMs.
    • STDENV for enabling the Health Center Agent and OMEGAMON for JVM Agent enablement options in CICS Transaction Gateway (CTG) JVMs.
    • JVMOPMAS PROCLIB for IMS JMP for enabling the Health Center Agent and OMEGAMON for JVM Agent enablement options in IMS JVMs.
    • STDENV for enabling the Health Center Agent and OMEGAMON for JVM Agent enablement options in WebSphere Liberty z/OS Connect EE JVMs.
    • JVM_OPTIONS in HBRMSTR file for enabling the Health Center Agent and OMEGAMON for JVM Agent enablement options in ODM.
OMEGAMON for DB2 PE/PM V5.3.0 and V5.4.0
The following enhancements are added:
  • Enhance configuration to auto-discover the following parameter values by the PARMGEN KCIJPDLA discovery job:
    • Auto-discover LPAR RTE user profile parameter for each DB2 subsystem to make it easier to concatenate these DB2-subsystem-specific load libraries in the various OMEGAMON for DB2 BIND and GRANT jobs per subsystem:
      • KD2_DBnn_DB2_SSID
      • KD2_DBnn_DB2_VER
      • KD2_DBnn_DB2_LOADLIB
      • KD2_DBnn_DB2_RUNLIB
      • KD2_DBnn_PWH_LOADLIB
      • KD2_DBnn_PWH_EXITLIB
      • KD2_DBnn_DB2_SYSNAME
    • Auto-discover $GBL$USR global user profile parameters to make it easier to concatenate these DB2 subsystem load libraries in the STEPLIB DDNAME of the OMEGAMON for DB2 Classic started task (GBL_DB2_KD2_CLASSIC_STC) and other various OMEGAMON DB2 jobs:
      • GBL_DSN_DB2_RUNLIB_V10
      • GBL_DSN_DB2_RUNLIB_V11
      • GBL_DSN_DB2_RUNLIB_V12
  • Generate helpful "* zDLA $DLARPT job no DB2 auth" in the autodiscovered "KD2_DBnn_DB2_VER" LPAR RTE profile parameter alerting customers when DB2 Authorizations have not been performed for the KCIJPDLA job or KCIJPDL1 job. The KCIJPDL* jobs have been updated to list the DB2 specific SQL GRANT commands to execute:

    If RACF is used to protect DB2 resources, then authority is required to issue DB2 DISPLAY commands and to access (READ) SYSIBM resources using dynamic SQL. In addition, for the DB2 version autodiscovery, the z/OS DLA extracts the DB2 version via the Instrumentation Facility Interface (IFI).

    The IZDPDISC PROC and the auth. ID that runs the KCIJPDLA or KCIJPDL1 job must have the appropriate authorization to issue the DB2 commands for each DB2 subsystem.

    DB2 Authorities for each DB2 subsystem: Take SQL statements to authorize &user="IZDPDISC" as an example:
  • Update xKANSAMU(KD5DFINL) post-configuration step "(Optional) Complete enablement of alternate XKAN* Tivoli OMEGAMON (TOM) datasets for other integration products that deliver workspaces and other OMEGAMON enhanced 3270UI support elements" to document new version KQQ IBM DB2 Query Monitor for z/OS V3.3.
OMEGAMON for Storage V5.3.0 and V5.4.0
Add xKANSAMU(KS3DFINL) post-configuration step "Step 1 - Refresh procedures to %GBL_DSN_SYS1_PROCLIB%".
   a) Refresh the TEMS started task (%KDS_TEMS_STC%) from RKANSAMU to
      - Certain products add special product-specific DDNAMEs to the
        %KDS_TEMS_STC% TEMS started task when the respective products
        are configured in the RTE.  These products are as follows:
        o OMEGAMON for Storage (KS3) Agent adds SYSTSPRT and RKS3I*
          DDNAMEs to the TEMS started task:
          //RKS3IDCO  DD DUMMY"