PARMGEN PTF UA81228 for APAR OA49893 (2Q16 Interim Feature)

PARMGEN PTF UA81228 for APAR OA49893 (2Q16 Interim Feature) introduces several enhancements affecting all products that use the configuration software.

The configuration software includes the following enhancements:
  • Enhanced the $PARSE composite batch job run elapsed time-to-value savings. $PARSE jobs have better performance.
  • Enhanced the following help topics in Welcome to the z/OS Installation and Configuration Tools for z Systems Management Suites panel (KCIPQPGW panel / KCIHPGW help panel):
    • IBM z Systems Management Suites that PARMGEN helps deploy - Overview
    • Components in the Product Suites Matrix by Suite Code
    • Components in the Product Suites Matrix by JOBGEN Exploitation
    • Components in the Product Suites Matrix by PARMGEN Exploitation
    You can have a smoother deployment of the products suites with better planning, system preparation, installation, configuration and post-configuration.
  • Provided currency support:
    • Updated PARMGEN SYSCPUS pop-up panel that displays informational message about the number of CPU(s) and system hardware on the LPAR that PARMGEN is running on. Added support for new z13s (CPC Type=2965 Hardware=IBM z13s).
    • Updated the PARMGEN job KCIJPALO “Allocate runtime read-only (RO) and read-write (RW) user datasets” to accommodate PDSE V1 requirement when the RTE is enabled for PDSE support (RTE_SMS_PDSE_FLAG=Y). PDSE V2 format requires DFP FMID HZD2vvv PTF UA81278/UA81279/UA81280 tracked in DFP APAR OA45431. For more information, see technote ABEND0F4 RKANDATV RKNSLOCL KLVPA001 KLVPA007 KLVPA002 KLVPA003.
    • Updated the default value of parameter GBL_HFS_JAVA_DIR1 (for global Java bin path) from /usr/lpp/java/J6.0 to /usr/lpp/java/J7.1 for new RTE deployments.
  • Enhanced the RTE_USS_RTEDIR and TKANJAR DDDEF processing by providing a runtime version of the installation z/OS® UNIX System Services directory. If you have copies of the SMP/E targets on z/OS and z/OS UNIX directories, you can deploy the new maintenance to the runtime copies based on their maintenance rollout schedule.
  • Additional IVP advanced validation checks during PARMGEN $PARSE VALIDATE step or PARMGEN KCIJPVAL standalone validation job:
    • Detect an warning if the RTE is enabled for variables to review RTE_USS_RTEDIR parameter for more information. If the RTE has variables enabled, the corresponding KDS_KMS_SDA user symbol resolution value is set to Y in the GBL_USER_JCL RTE variables profile.
    • Detect an error condition when OMEGAMON XE for DB2 profile parameter KD2_DBnn_DB2_PORT_NUM port number is not unique per DB2 subsystem.
    • Detect an error condition when required KI2_I1nn_CLASSIC_IMS_RESLIB profile table parameter is not supplied for configuring OMEGAMON XE for IMS product.
  • Enhanced %GBL_USER_JCL%(%RTE_NAME%) LPAR RTE variables and %GBL_USER_JCL%(KCI$RTEV) LPAR RTE IBM default variables profile to provide best-practice user symbols used in the WCONFIG(%RTE_NAME%) LPAR RTE profile and in the WCONFIG(Kpp$*) override imbeds. Provide tailored or predefined model user symbols for quicker deployment of operational changes.
    • From %GBL_USER_JCL%(KCI$RTEV) IBM default variables profile and %GBL_USER_JCL%(%RTE_NAME%) LPAR RTE user variables profile:
      - KDS_USERS_NO_MSGLOG "SRVR01,sysadmin,KOB101,Kpp" *example usage syntax
      - KOE_ALLOW_ANY_UID        1           *default if used 
      - KOE_ALLOW_UNDEFINED        1         *default if used 
      - KM5_KM5ZIIPOFFLOAD         NO        *if parameter is enabled
      - KM5_RMF_DDS             "NO"         *default if used     
      - *KM5_RMF_DDS "%KM5_RMF_DDS_COLLECTION%"           *Your WCONFIG
      KDS_USERS_NO_MSGLOG "SRVR01,sysadmin”
  • Provided default placeholder parameter support in various WCONFIG(Kpp$PENV) imbeds to the xKANPARU(KppENV) environment runtime members.
  • Provided new &gbl_target_hilev.TKANSAM(*MDL*) predefined RTE models to quickly deploy other types of RTEs and product combination.
    Table 1. New predefined RTE models
    Scenario Template name RTE type Monitoring server type System variables Description
    QCF21 $MDLHSBV Sharing-with-base Hub Yes Predefined RTE models include a z/OS Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS, whether this is a Hub TEMS or a Remote TEMS), an OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface (TOM) and both types of z/OS monitoring Agents (Agents that run in the z/OS TEMS address space and Agents that run in their own standalone Agent address spaces).
    QCF22 @MDLHSSV Sharing-with-SMP/E Hub Yes Predefined RTE models include a z/OS Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS, whether this is a Hub TEMS or a Remote TEMS), an OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface (TOM) and both types of z/OS monitoring Agents (Agents that run in the z/OS TEMS address space and Agents that run in their own standalone Agent address spaces).
  • Enhanced “Set up/Refresh PARMGEN work environment” KCIJPCFG processing for brand new user of PARMGEN in a new LPAR by including the user’s accounting information (ZACCTNUM) in the IBM-supplied jobcard.
  • Enhanced “Set up/Refresh PARMGEN work environment” KCIJPCFG processing discussed in the SMP/E maintenance and upgrade scenarios by automatically defaulting a backup RTE profile member name on the “KCIP@BAK IMPORTANT - REFRESH THE LPAR RTE USER AND IBM PROFILES” panel. The KCIJPPRF profile refresh job is submitted automatically by the KCIJPCFG job to simplify the following processes:
    • The refreshing of product templates in IK* datasets.
    • The rebuilding of the LPAR RTE and global profiles (IBM-supplied) with the new values.
    • The merging of the customized profile values from the backed-up LPAR RTE user profile into the refreshed WCONFIG RTE profile.
    • The generating of a delta report.
  • Enhanced panel and on-line help panel updates to aid in deployment.
    • Enhanced the main PARMGEN “Welcome to the z/OS Installation and Configuration Tools for z Systems Management Suites” by streamlining the configuration workflow option to display a streamlined “Configuration Workflow (Post-installation): Configure z/OS products with Parameter Generator Workflow (PARMGEN)” selection only, rather than providing recommended Quick Configuration mode and the alternate Standard Configuration mode.
    • Enhanced the “R” option on the “KCIPQPGB PARAMETER GENERATOR (PARMGEN) WORKFLOW - PRIMARY OPTION MENU” panel by clarifying the option name as “R Create next RTE - Reset fields” and navigating the user automatically to the “KCIPQPGA PARAMETER GENERATOR (PARMGEN) WORKFLOW MENU” panel to supply the RTE name of the next RTE to create or clone from an existing RTE.
    • Added profile parameter on-line help text in F1=HELP for the following parameters:
      • Global profile parameters in WCONFIG($GBL*) prefixed by GBL_.
      • Common LPAR profile parameters in WCONFIG(%RTE_NAME%) prefixed by RTE_.
      • TEMS profile parameters in WCONFIG(%RTE_NAME%) prefixed by KDS_X_.
      • Common Agent profile parameters in WCONFIG(%RTE_NAME%) prefixed by Kpp_X_.
    • Enhanced the “F16=CLNESECT CLONE SECTION” KCIP@PM2 panel to provide better examples and a complete list of Kpp product table profile parameters that can be cloned.
    • Enhanced the “IMPORTANT - REFRESH THE LPAR RTE USER AND IBM PROFILES” KCIP@BAK panel to provide a default backup LPAR RTE profile name to the “%RTE_NAME% Backup member name” field.
    • Updated existing help topics focusing on additional system preparation requirements for products that have z/OS UNIX SMP/E and configuration deployment requirements when SDA is enabled, and for products that update their TKANJAR DD jar files.
    • Added help topics focusing on PARMGEN utilities such as PF Keys and macros.
    • Added help topics focusing on PARMGEN Transport scenarios.

Product-specific enhancements

The following product-specific enhancements are provided in this release:
Tivoli Management Services: Engine infrastructure common to TEMS and Agents
The following features are added:
  • (For TEMS) Provided configuration support for a new KDS_X_HUB_CMS_FTO_FLAG profile parameter which generates the CMS_FTO=%KDS_X_HUB_CMS_FTO_FLAG% parameter in the TEMS xKANPARU(KDSENV) runtime member. KDS_X_HUB_* parameters are applicable to a z/OS Remote TEMS based on these scenarios:
    • z/OS Remote TEMS connecting to a non-z/OS Hub TEMS enabled with the Hot Standby (FTO) feature.
    • z/OS Remote TEMS connecting to a z/OS High Availability (HA) Hub TEMS (Primary TEMS) and a z/OS HA Hub TEMS (Standby TEMS).
  • (For TEMS) Enabled “KDS_USERS_NO_MSGLOG=SRVR01,sysadmin” parameter by default in the TEMS WCONFIG(KDS$PENV) imbed to xKANPARU(KDSENV) TEMS environmental runtime member. The KDS_USERS_NO_MSGLOG=&userid parameter is used to suppress the z/OS TEMS RKLVLOG DD messages if the &userid TMS component is contained in a list. The list is provided by KDS_USERS_NO_MSGLOG KDSENV variable that the customer can modify as needed.
  • (For TEMS) Enhanced the existing WCONFIG(KDS$SDMP) for the TEMS SYS%DUMP DD imbed to the started task to default the DDNAME to an enabled SYSMDUMP DD instead of SYSUDUMP DD. KCIJPALO job now allocates the SYSMDUMP dataset by default.
  • Enhanced persistent datastore processing by ensuring that the %RTE_PDS_HILEV%.KPDCTLL sequential file is allocated as DISP=OLD.
IBM OMEGAMON for JVM on z/OS V5.3.0
The following features are added:
  • Updated the product’s post-configuration README:
    • Add a step documenting how to monitor a JVM running in a DB2 stored procedure.
    • Add a step to refresh jar files after SMP/E maintenance by rerunning the KCIJPUSS job.
    • Add an optional step to enable %KJJ_COLLECTOR_STC% JTCOLL Collector trace options.
  • Added a new WCONFIG(KJJ$SDMP) SYS%DUMP DD imbed to the OMEGAMON for JVM Agent’s started task. A placeholder SYSUDUMP DD pointing to spool datasets is also provided as an example, if you prefer to store the data in the spool, instead of the default SYSMDUMP sequential dataset. If you want to have a SYSUDUMP DD instead of SYSMDUMP DD, modify the DDs accordingly.
OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 User Interface V7.3.0
The following feature is added:
  • Added a new WCONFIG(KJJ$SDMP) SYS%DUMP DD imbed to the OMEGAMON for JVM Agent’s started task. A placeholder SYSUDUMP DD pointing to spool datasets is also provided as an example, if you prefer to store the data in the spool, instead of the default SYSMDUMP sequential dataset. If you want to have a SYSUDUMP DD instead of SYSMDUMP DD, modify the DDs accordingly.
OMEGAMON Subsystem V7.3.0
The following features are added:
  • Added a new WCONFIG(KCN$SDMP) for OMEGAMON Subsystem SYS%DUMP DD imbed to the started task. KCIJPALO job allocates the SYSMDUMP dataset by default.
  • Modified the OMEGAMON Subsystem default STC PROC symbols to better accommodate enablement of the optional RST=',RESTART=FORCE' keyword. STC PROC symbols UMAX and FSCR are now enabled via internal code by default, which is sufficient for OMEGAMON Subsystem usage.
OMEGAMON XE on z/OS V5.3.0
The following features are added:
  • Updated dynamic ICSF configuration support for new KM5CSFSX ICSF monitoring module in stead of KM5EXIT4 module to support FMID HKM5530 APAR OA50548 IF changes.
  • Added placeholder parameter support for the following parameters in the WCONFIG(KDS$PENV) imbed to the TEMS xKANPARU(KDSENV) environmental file, which is read at TEMS STC startup (OMXE on z/OS Agent runs in the TEMS address space):
The following feature is added:
  • Removed obsolete profile parameters as their value are not used in PARMGEN when generating the KD2VTP virtual terminal pool startup runtime member in the RTE’s RKANCMDU dataset. Standard KD2_CUA_VTAM_VTPOOL_PREFIX is used instead to simplify the VTPOOL APPLID generation starting in 01 range through %KD2_CUA_VTAM_VTPOOL_NUM% number:
OMEGAMON XE for Messaging (WebSphere MQ Monitoring) V7.3.0
The following features are added:
  • Increased the default KMQ_PD_CYL persistent datastore cylinder size profile parameter from 120 to 300 cylinders so the composite PARMGEN KCIJPALO “Allocate runtime RO and RW datasets” job or the KMQJPALP KMQ Agent’s standalone PDS allocation job allocates enough space for the default 6 %RTE_PDS_HILEV%.RKMQPDSn persistent datastore sequential files for history storage (for both the TEPS ITM PDS history collection and for OMEGAMON enhanced 3270UI near-term history).
  • Provided configuration support for message monitoring summary enhancement in order to support the security checking for situations.
  • Updated the KMQDFINL post-configuration on-line README to add a new “Grant authorities to WebSphere MQ Monitoring and WebSphere MQ Configuration Agents” post-configuration step.
OMEGAMON XE for Messaging (WebSphere Message Broker Monitoring a.k.a. IBM Integration Bus [IIB]) V7.3.0
The following features are added:
  • Increased the default KQI_PD_CYL persistent datastore cylinder size profile parameter from 178 to 250 cylinders so the composite PARMGEN KCIJPALO “Allocate runtime RO and RW datasets” job or the KQIJPALP KQI Agent’s standalone PDS allocation job allocates enough space for the default 6 %RTE_PDS_HILEV%.RKQIPDSn persistent datastore sequential files for history storage (for both the TEPS ITM PDS history collection and for future OMEGAMON enhanced 3270UI IIB near-term history exploitation).
  • Updated the KQIDFINL post-configuration on-line README to add a new “Authorize WebSphere Message Broker Monitoring Agent and set WebSphere Message Broker Monitoring Agent parameters” post-configuration step
IBM Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm V2.6.0
The following features are added:
  • This is JOBGEN SMP/E installation and PARMGEN application configuration support for IBM Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm V2.6.0 (HKRG260 FMID) Agent.
  • The following configuration enhancements are provided in support of new features delivered in this new version.
    • Added JOBGEN TKCIINST(KCIDJG00) new product SMP/E installation support for new HKRG260 FMID.
    • Added full standalone Agent configuration support for this new version of the Agent.
IBM Advanced Reporting and Management-HSM V2.6.0
The following features are added:
  • This is JOBGEN SMP/E installation and PARMGEN application configuration support for IBM Advanced Reporting and Management-HSM V2.6.0 (HKRH260 FMID) Agent.
  • The following configuration enhancements are provided in support of new features delivered in this new version.
    • Added JOBGEN TKCIINST(KCIDJG00) new product SMP/E installation support for new HKRH260 FMID.
    • Added full standalone Agent configuration support for this new version of the Agent.