PARMGEN PTF UA80256 for APAR OA48678 (1Q16 Interim Feature)

PARMGEN PTF UA80256 for APAR OA48678 (1Q16 Interim Feature) introduces several enhancements affecting all products that use the configuration software.

The configuration software includes the following enhancements:
  • New IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE on z/OS Monitoring Feature for JVM (HKJJ530 FMID)
  • New cross-RTE command LOADDATV to submit a new KCIJ@ODI multi-load RKANDATV runtime libraries composite job for all listed RTEs
  • New global parameter GBL_USS_TKANJAR_PATH
  • Ongoing PARMGEN $PARSE/$PARSESV performance improvements involving streamlining PARMGEN runtime members logic processing
  • Additional IVP advanced validation checks during PARMGEN $PARSE Create runtime members and jobs VALIDATE step or PARMGEN KCIJPVAL standalone validation job
  • Updated KCIP@TLV – SPECIFY GBL_TARGET_HILEV PARAMETER processing to programmatically detect the two conditions as to why PARMGEN presents the panel
  • New PARMGEN INIT invocation command to redrive the updated KCIP@TLV - SPECIFY GBL_TARGET_HILEV PARAMETER panel, in cases where you need to refresh GBL_TARGET_HILEV-related values appropriate for your deployment.
  • New PARMGEN LOCATE/LOC/L commands on the Runtime Environments (RTEs) panel (KCIP@RTE) to make it easier to locate an RTE for further processing
  • PARMGEN SYSCPUS informational messages to display the number of CPUs and the system hardware on which PARMGEN is being executed
  • New PARMGEN KCIRMVCP utility macro: KCIRMVCP move/copy/allocate exec and KCIPCPY* panels. For more information about how to activate the utility macro, see new help topics on the KCIH@PG5 CUSTOMIZE PARMGEN CONFIGURATION PROFILEShelp panel: 3 XF "Exclude Find" and KCIRMVCP move/copy/allocate macro
  • Enhanced PARMGEN system and user variables handling:
    • New optional global variables profile called %GBL_USER_JCL%(KCI$GBLV) applicable to all RTEs
    • Tailored IBM default variables profile (%GBL_USER_JCL%(KCI$RTEV)) based on customer's existing LPAR RTE profile customization values
    • Enhanced %GBL_USER_JCL%(%RTE_NAME%) LPAR RTE variables user profile to provide handy placeholder examples of typical types of system variables used during PARMGEN System Variables RTE configuration such as:
      • Type 1: Static system symbols
      • Type 2: PARMGEN KCIPARSE-extracted symbols
      • Type 3: User-defined symbols
    • Enhanced %GBL_USER_JCL%(KCI$RTEV) IBM default variables profile to provide additional handy system and user-defined symbols; pre-defined TKANSAM($MDLVARS) model introduced in 3Q14 PARMGEN IF is available for merging via KCIJPMCF merge profile job
  • Updated KCIJPCOL PDCOLLECT tailored job to add SDSF considerations and to default the NO() job number parameter to NO(S*) instead of NO(STC*)
  • New on-line help panels focusing on PARMGEN utilities and PARMGEN Transport scenarios to aid in deployment:
    • Added help topics on PARMGEN utilities such as PF Keys and macros such as XF EXCLUDE FIND and KCIRMVCP MOVE/COPY/ALLOCATE dataset/members macros, and PF Keys such as F1=PARMHELP / F15=HIDECMNT / F16=CLNESECT (F1 to view parameter on-line help, F15 to hide profile comments, and F16 to clone parameter section for a table row)
    • Added help topics on PARMGEN Transport scenarios
  • New detailed discussion on system preparation topics such as "IBM Management Suites that JOBGEN/PARMGEN help deploy – Overview," "Components in the Product Suites Matrix by Suite Code," "Components in the Product Suites Matrix by JOBGEN Exploitation," and "Components in the Product Suites Matrix by PARMGEN Exploitation"
  • New predefined &gbl_target_hilev.TKANSAM(*MDL*) predefined RTE models to quickly deploy other types of RTEs and product combination
    Table 1. Summary of new RTE models
    Scenario Template name RTE type Monitoring server type System variables Description
    QCF13 $MDLAFV Full Remote Yes RTE configuration template for full, stand-alone RTE (Agents only with variables enabled connecting to a z/OS TEMS in another RTE)
    QCF14 @MDLAF Full Remote No IBM-provided RTE configuration template for full, standalone RTE (Agents only connecting to a z/OS TEMS in another RTE)
    QCF15 $MDLASBV Sharing-with-base Remote Yes RTE configuration template for sharing-with-base read-only libraries RTE (Agents only with variables enabled connecting to a non-local TEMS configured in another RTE or running on another non-z/OS platform)
    QCF16 @MDLASB Sharing-with-base Remote No RTE configuration template for sharing-with-base read-only libraries RTE (Agents only connecting to a non-local TEMS configured in another RTE or running on another non-z/OS platform)
    QCF17 @MDLASSV Sharing-with-SMP/E Remote Yes RTE configuration template for sharing-with-SMP/E target read-only datasets RTE (Agents only with variables enabled connecting to a non-local TEMS configured in another RTE or running on another non-z/OS platform)
    QCF18 @MDLASS Sharing-with-SMP/E Remote No RTE configuration template for sharing-with-SMP/E datasets RTE (Agents only connecting to a non-local TEMS configured in another RTE or running on another non-z/OS platform)
    QCF19 $MDLHSSV Sharing-with-SMP/E Hub Yes RTE configuration template for sharing-with-SMP/E target read-only datasets RTE (Static Hub TEMS, enhanced 3270 user interface (TOM) and OMEGAMON Monitoring for JVM (KJJ) Agent only with variables enabled)
    QCF20 $MDLHSS Sharing-with-SMP/E Hub No RTE configuration template for sharing-with-SMP/E target read-only datasets RTE (Static Hub TEMS, enhanced 3270 user interface (TOM) and OMEGAMON Monitoring for JVM (KJJ) Agent only)
  • Enhanced on-line parameter help information for various Kpp_AGT_* common Agent parameters when placing the cursor on the parameter and pressing the F1=Help key while customizing the WCONFIG profiles (LPAR RTE %RTE_NAME% and $GBL$USR global user profiles)
  • Enhanced xKANSAMU(KCIJPDEL) composite RTE Delete job to use DELETE MASK IDCAMS function
  • Sample SMP/E versions of sample KCIJPBSA RTE allocation job for shared base, read-only datasets, and sample KCIJPBSL RTE load job for shared base, read-only datasets
  • Default placeholder parameter support for KMS_EXPAND_EMBEDDED_SIT=N in the TEMS WCONFIG(KDS$PENV) imbed to xKANPARU(KDSENV) TEMS environment runtime member
  • Enhanced KCIJPLOD job and product-specific REPRO jobs and KppJPLDB input to the composite xKANSAMU(KCIJPLOD) RTE load job’s REPROKpp steps in support of products with REPRO seeding requirements to the Hub TEMS’ RKDSRULD VSAM dataset (QA1CRULD DD in the TEMS started task)
  • New xKANSAMU(KDSDELRM) tailored job to delete the Hub TEMS VSAM dataset if the TEMS in RTE is configured to be a Remote TEMS
  • Updated WCONFIG($JOBINDX) PARMGEN job index with all TEMS-related utility jobs

Product-specific enhancements

The following product-specific enhancements are provided in this release:
OMEGAMONOMEGAMON® XE on z/OS Monitoring Feature for JVM
The following JOBGEN SMP/E installation and PARMGEN application configuration support is provided:
  • JOBGEN TKCIINST(KCIDJG00) new product SMP/E installation support
  • Full Agent configuration support
OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface V7.3.0
The following support has been added:
  • KOB Registry Query SQL support with new KOB_REGQUERY_* parameters in WCONFIG(KOB$PENV) imbed to xKANPARU(KOBENV)
  • EIF tab toleration support for the KOB_SITST_* situation status tree function
OMEGAMON XE for CICS® on z/OS V5.1.0 and later versions
The following support is provided:
  • Enhanced TKANJAR SMP/E DDDEF maintenance processing with a runtime version of the jar install directory housing the kgw_monitor.jar file
  • Support of the new KCIMKXDV step in the KCIPUSP z/OS UNIX System Services system preparation job and new KCIMKDRB and KCIJARPX steps in the KCIJPUSS job for kgw_monitor.jar maintenance for Full RTEs and non-SMP/E-sharing RTEs with the new tailored Step 6 - Refresh jar files after SMP/E maintenance in the post-configuration online README file
  • New standalone KCIUSPJB/KCIUSSJB standalone jobs for KGW*-related steps to maintain kgw_monitor.jar
The following support is provided:
  • Added SQLPA V5.1 support in KD2_PFnn_SQLPA_VERSION
OMEGAMON XE on z/OS V5.3.0
The following support has been added:
  • Dynamic ICSF configuration support for new ICSF exit KM5CSFSX dynamic ICSF monitoring module to support FMID HKM5530 APAR OA49689.
  • New post-configuration "(Optional) If you want OMEGAMON XE on z/OS to connect to an IBM z Aware server to monitor z Aware data, review the 'Configuration for connection to an IBM z Aware server'" topic.
OMEGAMON XE for Storage on z/OS V5.1.0 and later versions
The following support has been added:
  • Modified “JOBPARM SYSAFF=*” instead of original default “JOBPARM SYSAFF=%%KS3TK_SYST_NAME%%” in the RTE’s xKANPARU(KS3CA1J) and xKANPARU(KS3EXTJ) runtime members.
Various products
PARMGEN configuration support is removed for the following components at the end of its life cycle:
Kpp Product Name and Version
KHL OMEGAMON z/OS Management Console Agent V4.1.0 (KHL functions merged with OMEGAMON XE on z/OS V5.1.0 and later versions of the KM5 Agent)
KRG Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm pre-V2.5.0
KRH Advanced Reporting and Management-HSM pre-V2.5.0
KRJ Advanced Allocation Management pre-V3.3.0
KRK Automated Tape Allocation Manager pre-V3.3.0
KRN Advanced Catalog Management pre-V2.5.0
KRV Advanced Backup and Recovery pre-V2.4.0