Cross-platform quick deployment guide for OMEGAMON

The purpose of this guide is to provide step-by-step instructions to set up a POV (Proof-of-value) monitoring system across Linux and z/OS for a person who has a basic understanding of the monitoring system, monitoring components, and the PARMGEN configuration tool.

About the scenario in this guide

This guide introduces a specific scenario that deploys the monitoring structure across Linux and z/OS, which is different from the basic scenario that is illustrated in the Fist time deployment guide. Therefore, for a simpler scenario that consists of z/OS only, you can go through the instructions in the First time deployment guide.

To show an overall picture of deploying a monitoring system not only on z/OS, a specific scenario is introduced in this guide:
  • Install Hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and Tivoli Enterprise Portal on Linux.
  • Install OMEGAMON for JVM agent on z/OS.
  • No advanced security configurations.
The installation and configuration steps are tailored specifically for this scenario, which might not meet your requirement. However, by the time you finish the tasks in the guide and start the system, you will have a better understanding of how the components are installed, configured, and communicating with each other. You will have the ability to expand the POV environment, or setting up a new environment by performing similar steps.

Background knowledge

Before you can perform the installation and configuration tasks in this guide, you must have a basic understanding of the following monitoring components:
Figure 1. Basic architecture of OMEGAMON monitoring environment
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
The nerve center of the monitoring system that consolidates the data collected by monitoring agents and distributes the data to the connected clients. It is referred to as TEMS in this guide.
Based on different functions in the monitoring systems, there are two types of TEMS:
  • The hub monitoring server is the monitoring server of the monitoring system that acts as the focal point for data collection and distribution. It is referred to as the Hub TEMS in later topics.
  • The remote monitoring server collects data from the monitoring agents and sends the data to the hub monitoring server for consolidation. In this way, the work on the hub monitoring server can be offloaded. It is referred to as the Remote TEMS in later topics.
OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 user interface
The interface on z/OS through which you can view the monitoring data. It is referred to as the enhanced 3270UI in later topics.
Tivoli Enterprise Portal
The user interface on distributed systems for the monitoring system. It is referred to as the TEP in later topics.
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
The server of TEP that communicates with the hub monitoring server to send requests to and retrieve data from monitoring agents on managed systems. It is referred to as the TEPS in later topics.
Monitoring agents
Monitoring agents are on monitored, or managed systems. The agents pass the system or application data they collect to a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, and the data is passed to a connected client user interface.
The configuration tool to be used for setting up runtime environment (RTE) and monitoring components on z/OS.
RTE (runtime environment)
An RTE (runtime environment) is a logical grouping of runtime libraries that are referenced by started tasks running on a z/OS image. When you configure monitoring servers and monitoring agents, you begin by defining a runtime environment of a certain type, which determines the number and types of runtime libraries required.

Different types of RTE can be set up for OMEGAMON family products. In this scenario, we will set up a sharing-with-base RTE, which is a good choice for environments where storage devices are shared. PARMGEN automatically creates the base RTE when you configure the first RTE that shares it. Therefore, no need to create a base RTE before that.