Configuring IBM XL Fortran for Linux, V15.1.5

Before you can run IBM® XL Fortran for Linux, V15.1.5, you must configure (or re-configure) the compiler if any of the following conditions apply to you:
  • You did not use install to install the compiler, or the configuration step failed with install.
  • Your system or its GCC configuration is changed after the compiler configuration was last run.
  • Compiler components were relocated after installation on SLES, RHEL, or CentOS.

The compiler provides a configuration tool, xlf_configure, located in the installation_path/xlf/15.1.5/bin/ directory after installation.

Note: installation_path is the installation location of the compiler packages. If the compiler is installed in the default location, installation_path is /opt/ibm/.

You must invoke the xlf_configure utility directly if any of the following conditions is true:

Note: If you configure the compiler using xlf_configure, your output configuration file, xlf.cfg.$OS.$OSVersion.gcc.$gccVersion, can be written to any location where you have write permission. You need root privileges to accept the license for the first time you run the configuration. Subsequent reconfiguration does not require root privileges if the license has been accepted.

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