Preparing for installing IBM XL Fortran for Linux, V15.1

To prepare for installing IBM® XL Fortran for Linux, V15.1, do the following tasks:
  • Consult the product README file for any last-minute updates.
  • Familiarize yourself with the installation image, which contains the installable compiler packages.
  • Ensure that system prerequisites are met and that all required software packages are installed.
  • Become either the root user or a user with administrator privileges.

Coexistence with previous version compilers

Installing this version of the compiler does not remove or change previous versions of the compiler, only the Fortran runtime library and the SMP runtime library are migrated to the new versions. This was achieved by differentiating the installation fileset names from those of the previous versions, including the version, release and modification level (V.R.M) in the name, and installing to new locations that include V.R.M in the installation paths.

The compiler invocations from previous compiler installations in the /usr/bin/ directory will not be removed. The new compiler invocations will be installed to the /opt/ibm/xlf/15.1.0/bin/ directory. To invoke this version of the compiler without specifying the full installation path, you must update your PATH or create symbolic links. For details, see Creating symbolic links to the compiler invocations.

Upgrading the evaluation copy of the XL Fortran compiler

If you are using the evaluation copy of the XL Fortran compiler, use one of the following options to upgrade it to a full product version:
  • Use xlf_install to install the full product version of the XL Fortran compiler as described in Basic installation. It uninstalls the evaluation copy and then installs the full product version.
  • Alternatively, you can do the following tasks:
    1. Install the new license packages using the following command:
      rpm -Uvh new_license_package [--prefix installation_path]
      where new_license_package is the license package included in the package you are installing, and installation_path is the target directory for installation that is specified by the --prefix option of the nondefault installation (NDI) command.
    2. Accept the new license using one of the following utilities:
      • The new_install utility with -prefix installation_path when applicable
      • The LAP tool
    3. Run the xlf_configure utility to reconfigure the compiler. If you used the new_install utility in step 2, skip this step.

    If your compiler is installed in an NDI location, you must use the --prefix option to specify the installation path of the license RPM packages (*-eval-license and *-license packages) the same as that of the main compiler packages (xl* packages). Furthermore, when you run the new_install utility, you must use the -prefix option to specify the same path for the xl* packages.

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