Using Page Size Optimization

SFS stores files in terms of Pages in the Data Volumes. The value of Page Size impacts speed of Read/Write operations performed on an SFS File. Based on the Page Size, SFS can run in following two modes.

  1. 4K mode – In this mode the Page Size that SFS uses internally will be 4K. So all the read, write & search operations to an SFS file will be done in blocks of 4K. This is the default mode.
  2. 32K mode – In this mode, the Page Size used by SFS internally will be 32K. Hence all the read, write and search operations to an SFS file will be done in blocks of 32K. If the applications involve lot of IO to SFS files, the speed of an application can be increased by switching SFS from 4K mode to 32K mode.

The following topics describe how to check the current mode of SFS and how to change SFS from 4K mode to 32K mode.