Source language and compiler considerations for migration

TXSeries for Multiplatforms supports application programs that are written in COBOL, C, C++, or PL/I. (Refer to the installation documentation for information about versions of COBOL, C, C++, or PL/I compilers that can be used with your version of CICS® and Table 1 for a summary of the support on each platform.)

TXSeries for Multiplatforms does not support application programs that are written in source languages other than COBOL, C, C++, or PL/I. This means that if you do not discard existing application programs that are written in other languages, you must recode them, or you must maintain your existing CICS system and run it in coexistence with the TXSeries for Multiplatforms region.

Before you recompile any application programs in COBOL, C or C++ that you intend to migrate to TXSeries for Multiplatforms, you must process the application program with the CICS translator (described in Translating, compiling, and link-editing CICS application programs). The compilation process highlights, as errors, any language syntax that is not supported.

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