The item type cannot be processed by an indexer tool

The indexer tools (afuIndexer, afuCreateIndex, afuConfig, or afuCheck) cannot process the item type that was passed.


The following error is reported:
A configuration or setup error has occurred with the following
The required database table 'AFU1FTIOPENxxx' does not exist. Check
if this item type has been enabled for processing by the indexer


The reason for this error is that the indexer tool was called with an item type that is not enabled for processing by the tool.

Resolving the problem

Check that you entered the correct item type and that the item type has been enabled for processing by the indexer for text search.

If your item type is an email compound item type, do not enter the attachment item type name. Attachment item types cannot be processed on their own but are automatically processed as part of the email item type.