Silently installing packages using the Installation Manager installer

Use the Installation Manager installer to install Installation Manager and other software packages.

Before you begin

To install software packages using the Installation Manager installer, you must first create a response file.

About this task

You can use the Installation Manager installer to silently install Installation Manager and software packages at the same time. Optionally, use the installer to install Installation Manager, then use Installation Manager to install packages silently.

To silently install packages using the Installation Manager installer, from the InstallerImage_platform directory, enter the following command:

The following table describes the arguments used with the silent installation command:
Argument Description
Specifies the Java™ launcher. In silent mode, always use java.exe on Windows, and java on other platforms.
Specifies that the splash screen should be suppressed.
Specifies that the JVM error dialog should be suppressed.
Specifies that the Installation Manager installer or Installation Manager should be run in silent mode.
Specifies an XML response file as the input to Installation Manager installer or the Installation Manager. A response file contains commands that installer or Installation Manager runs.
(Optional) Specifies a log file that records the result of the silent installation. The log file is an XML file.

If your silent installation session is successful, the log file will contain just the root element of <result> </result>. However, if errors occur during the installation, the silent install log file will contain error elements and messages.

(Optional) All available updates to are installed.
(Optional) All available products are installed.
Include the -acceptLicense option in your command to accept the licensing agreement of the package you want to install.
Defines whether the IM operates in admin or nonAdmin mode. For nonAdmin mode this argument should always be used with 'nonAdmin' parameter:
-accessRights nonAdmin
For admin mode it should be used with admin parameter:
-accessRights admin
If this argument is not used, the default value is set based on current user permissions.
For Windows XP users who are members of Administrator group, the default is always -accessRights admin. For these users to run in nonAdmin mode -accessRights nonAdmin argument should be passed explicitly.
Displays a progress bar to the console.
Displays progress text to the console. For example, the text "Rebooting the computer to complete the install" is displayed when a reboot is required.
The Installation Manager installer has an initialization or .ini file silent-install.ini (or user-silent-install.ini for non-administrator installations) that includes default values for the arguments in the table. For example, a default silent-install.ini file might look something like this:
C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\jre_5.0.2.sr5_20070511\jre\bin\java.exe


If the installation is successful, it will return a status of "0" an unsuccessful operation will return a non-zero number.
When Installation Manager installer is run, it reads the response file and (optionally) writes to a log file to the directory specified. If you specified a log file and directory, the log file will be empty if operation was successful, for example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The log file will contain an error element if the operation was not completed successfully.
A log file for Installation Manager is also available. The default locations for the Installation Manager log file are
  • For Windows as non-admin: C:\Documents and Settings\<my id>\Application Data\IBM\Installation Manager\logs
  • For Windows as admin: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\Installation Manager\logs
  • For other platforms: /var/ibm/InstallationManager/logs
