IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual Environments, Version 7.2 Fix Pack 2

Configuring homogeneous federation for the Capacity Planner for VMware

To configure the homogeneous federation, you must create federation between the IBM® Tivoli® Data Warehouse database and the Capacity Planner database.
Note: The federation server configuration for Tivoli Data Warehouse is supported on the DB2®, MSSQL Server, and Oracle databases.

Before you begin

About this task

This task provides information about creating federation between the IBM Tivoli Data Warehouse database and Capacity Planner database.


  1. Log on to the computer where the database is installed.
  2. Open a command line.
  3. Copy the federation directory from dash_home\installedDashboards\\AnalyticsDatabaseInstaller to a temporary directory. The federation scripts are available in the federation directory.
    After installation, the scripts are placed in the following directory for the Capacity Planner for VMware: dash_home\installedDashboards\\AnalyticsDatabaseInstaller where dash_home has the following path on the Windows systems: \Program Files\IBM\JazzSM or this path: /opt/IBM/JazzSM on the UNIX systems.
    Note: The directory where you copy these scripts must have write permissions for the database instance owner. For the Windows systems, the target directory should not have any spaces in the path, otherwise the federation scripts fail.
  4. Edit the fed_config.cfg file in the temporary directory, and set the following properties with appropriate values:
    The IP address or complete host name of the database server where the Tivoli Data Warehouse is installed.
    The port number of the DB2 database server where the Tivoli Data Warehouse is installed.
    The name of the remote Tivoli Data Warehouse database.
    The schema name in the Tivoli Data Warehouse database.
    The instance owner of the remote Tivoli Data Warehouse database. The default owner is ITMUSER, who created the Tivoli Data Warehouse database on the remote Tivoli Data Warehouse database server.
    The password of the remote Tivoli Data Warehouse database instance owner. This password is required when you register the federation server definition.
    The node name that is used to create the DB2 node on the database server. This NODE_ID must not be more than 8 characters in length, and must not contain special characters.
    The alias name that is used to catalog the remote Tivoli Data Warehouse database on the local DB2 database server.
    The DB2 server data source, for example, DB2/CS.
    The version of the DB2 Server, for example 10.1 or 9.7.
    This property must be set to Yes if you manually created an alias for the remote Tivoli Data Warehouse database and want to use the alias for federation. If the catalog is not created, the federation script attempts to create an alias for the remote Tivoli Data Warehouse by using the value that is provided for the TDW_LOCAL_ALIAS property. Set this property to NO if you do not want to use existing alias to be used in federation.
    Note: Set USE_EXISTING_CATALOGED_TDW to NO only if you are sure that no alias is available on the capacity planner database with the name provided for the TDW_LOCAL_ALIAS property. Otherwise, the scripts might remove this alias after it fails to register the federation server.
    The name of the capacity planner database, for example, TADFDCDB.
    The instance owner of the capacity planner database. This owner is the same user that was used to create the capacity planner database.
    The password of the capacity planner database instance owner. This password is required to connect to the capacity planner database.
    The schema name in the Capacity planner database. For PowerVM®, the schema name is TADFDCP. For VMware, the schema name is TADFDC.
    The name of the federation server that is configured. This name might be any unique name without special characters and space characters in it. You use this federation server when you federate the Tivoli Data Warehouse tables or views.
  5. Navigate to the temporary directory, and run any of the following commands that matches your operating system:
    • fed_admin.bat: Use this script on the Windows systems.
    • Use this script on the UNIX and AIX® systems.
    You can run the or fed_admin.bat script in any one of the following two modes:
    • Non-interactive mode
      In this mode, use one of the following scripts:
      • fed_admin.bat
      • JAVA_HOME -f custom_config_file
      • fed_admin.bat JAVA_HOME -f custom_config_file
      where custom_config_file_name is the file with non-default configuration parameters.
      For example, the following script configures the federation server and creates all views for the physical server and the virtual machine and prints the summary of views created in the console: JAVA_HOME -f fed_config.cfg
    • Interactive mode
      In this mode, use the one of the following scripts, which have the -i argument to select the task that you want to complete:
      • JAVA_HOME -i -f custom_config_file
      • fed_admin.bat JAVA_HOME -i -f custom_config_file
      Runs the script in interactive mode. For example, you can configure a new server; update user mapping; add views; and delete views. If you choose to add all views, a summary of the views that were created is displayed.
      -f custom_config_file_name
      custom_config_file_name is the file with non-default configuration parameters.
      Note: When this file is not used, the script uses the default fed_config.cfg file. To get the correct result from the scripts in any mode, you must specify correct input parameters in the fed_config.cfg file.
    • DBA verification mode
      In this mode, use the or fed_admin.bat script with the -v argument to print the federation commands for the task in a file instead of running the commands against the database.
      • Change the directory to the directory that contains the federation.
      • At the command line, run the fed_admin script in interactive mode and DBA verification mode:
        • ./ JAVA_HOME -i -v -f custom_config_file
        • When you are prompted for input, select one of the following options:
          • Configure new server
          • Update user mapping
          • Add views
          • Delete views
        • If you select Add views or Delete views, type the view names to be added or deleted separated by a space, for example, VM_CPU_D VM_CPU_M. For all views, type the argument all.
          Note: View names must be typed in uppercase.
      • At the command line, run the fed_admin script only in DBA verification mode to print the queries that are to be run against the database for the following options:
        • Configure federation server
        • Add all views for physical server and virtual machine: ./ JAVA_HOME -v -f custom_config_file
      The federation commands are printed in the federationqueries.ddl file.
  6. Configure new federation server by running the OR fed_admin.bat script.
    Note: Ensure that you have set all the input parameters in the fed_config.cfg file.
    • If you run the or fed_admin.bat, or the -f or fed_admin.bat -f custom_config_file script, the script configures the federation server and creates all views for the physical server and virtual machines.
    • If you run the -i -f or fed_admin.bat -i -f custom_config_file script, type 1.

      This script configures a federation server that is based on the configuration parameters that are specified in the fed_config.cfg file.

  7. If the credentials of Tivoli Data Warehouse instance owner are changed on the remote database server after the federation server is configured, you must update the existing federation server details.
    1. Set TDW_REMOTE_DB_INSTANCE_OWNER_PASSWORD property in configuration file to new password. The default configuration file is fed_config.cfg.
    2. Run the script.
      • If you run the or fed_admin.bat, or the -f or fed_admin.bat -f custom_config_file script, the script updates the federation server details.
      • If you run the -i or fed_admin.bat -i script, type 2.

        This script uses the configuration parameters that are specified in the fed_config.cfg file to update the federation server details.

  8. Add the selected views.
    1. Run the -i or fed_admin.bat -i script.
    2. Type 3.
    3. Type space separated view names that you want to add. For example, VM_CPU_H VM_NET_M.
      Note: You must type the view names in uppercase. If you want to add all the views, type the argument all.
  9. Delete the selected views.
    1. Run the -i or fed_admin.bat -i script.
    2. Type 4.
    3. Type space separated view names that you want to delete. For example, VM_CPU_H VM_NET_M.
      Note: You must type the view names in uppercase. If you want to delete all the views, type the argument all.
