Monitoring in the Cognos TM1 Operations Console

The following reports and logs are available in the IBM® Cognos® TM1® TM1 Operations Console.

To see these reports, right-click the server you want to use, and select Monitor and the report you want. Before data can display, you may need to verify admin access or schedule a log if one is not being automatically scheduled.

You can also choose to save the log to disk or export it. See Filtering for details on how to reduce the displays.

For some of these reports, drag the lower pane down to reveal the full content of the window.

Basic or Enhanced
Using the default Enhanced version of this report when the server is under heavy load can degrade system performance by up to 10%.
Shows the threads being used in sandboxes on the server.
Sandbox Queue
Shows the jobs in the sandbox queue.
Performance Statistics
Shows the server memory and performance statistics report. You must turn the gathering of performance statistics by right-clicking the server name and selecting Start Performance Monitor before this report can display information.
Shows the thread involved in any TurboIntegrator processes.
Shows server activity involved with Chores.
Memory Usage Graph
Provides a graphical display of memory usage on the server.
Thread Details Graph
Provides a graphical display of thread activity on the server.
You can use these logs:
Transaction log file
Displays the transactions recorded in Tm1s.log when a TM1 client changes a cube value.
Message log
Displays the TM1 server records status messages on the activity of the server in a log file. These messages contain details on activity such as executed processes, chores, loaded cubes and dimensions, and synchronized replication.
Audit log
Displays changes to metadata, such as modifications to dimensions, views and subsets.