
CubeDataReservationGetConflicts finds existing reservations on a specific cube that would conflict with the specified user, address and tuple.

This is a TurboIntegrator function, valid only in TurboIntegrator processes.


CubeDataReservationGetConflicts(Index, Cube, User, 
Address, [AddressDelimiter])returns ConflictAddress;




A one-based loop index to use for iterating through conflicts that satisfy this query.


Name of the cube to search


The query will search for reservations that will conflict with this user.


Tokenized string sequence of element names that define the tuple. The order must match the original dimension order of the cube.


Optional character string that is used to separate element names in the Address parameter.

Default value '|'.

Return Value

ConflictAddress - Reservation creation time, name of the reservation owner and Element address of the reservation. The creation time comes first, followed by delimiter, followed by UserID, followed by delimiter, followed by Elements IDs separated by the delimiter in order of dimensions in the cube (original order).

An empty string is returned if there is no entry for the specified index.

The format of the return value is:

				[creation time][delimiter][owner name][delimiter][element1][delimiter]

For example:

"20100622211601|Fred Bloggs|Element1|Element2|Element3"

Note: The reservations can change while iterating the list of conflict reservations so the use of index is not guaranteed to give a complete list of reservations. Reservations can be added or removed at any position in the list, so reservations can be skipped or repeated when looping through index values.