
CubeDataReservationAcquire acquires a Data Reservation for the specified cube, user and tuple.

This is a TurboIntegrator function, valid only in TurboIntegrator processes.


CubeDataReservationAcquire(Cube, User, bForce, Address, [AddressDelimiter])




Name of the cube.


Name of the owner for the new reservation.

The user name supplied will be validated to make sure it is an existing user.


Boolean value that determines the behavior if the requested reservation conflicts with an existing reservation.

If set to 0 (false), then the request is rejected if it conflicts with an existing reservation.

If set to 1 (true) and the user running the TurboIntegrator process has the DataReservationOverride capability, then the conflicting reservations are released, and the requested one is granted.


Tokenized string sequence of element names that define the tuple. The order must match the original dimension order of the cube.

All the cells in the cube contained by the tuple make up the region being reserved. You can choose one element from each dimension or use an empty string between the delimiters to select an entire dimension. Depending on where the element is located in the hierarchy, the request reserves a single cell, a slice, or the entire cube.


Optional character string that is used to separate element names in the Address parameter.

Default value is '|'.

Return Value

Boolean - returns true if the acquisition succeeded.



The following example sets the bForce parameter to 1 to force the DR request if a conflict exists and uses a different delimiter character for the AddressDelimiter parameter.
