Managing jobs in TM1 Applications

You can monitor the deployment, the initial saving of rights, and the import of an application that may be taking a long time in the TM1 Applications portal and have those jobs processed in the background.

About this task

This feature also blocks administrators from triggering any of these actions if they are already running for any application built from the same underlying TM1 server. Anyone who attempts to connect to an application while these processes are completing are blocked and the application displays a busy icon. Also other activity icons are not available during this kind of process. The wait time and the maximum number of threads can be configured using the deployment MaxThreads and the deployment MaxWaitTime parameters in the pmpsvc_config.xml file.


  1. In the TM1 Applications portal, click the Manage Jobs Manage jobs iconicon. The Manage Jobs dialog box displays with any currently being processed jobs.
    Figure 1. Manage Jobsmanage jobs screen
  2. Click the Refresh Refresh icon icon to ensure that all currently running jobs are shown.
  3. To reduce the jobs shown, click the Filter filter icon icon. Click the Define Filter icon to identify the criteria to use when reducing the display.
    Figure 2. Define Filter
    define filter option
    Use the pull-down at each field to identify the kind of job you want to see
    Figure 3. Filter fields
    choosing a column for the filter
  4. Use the plus sign plus sign to add another set of criteria.
  5. If a job is currently running, you can select it and use the delete icon delete icon to delete the job.