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Release notes for IMS Enterprise Suite V3.2 SOAP Gateway

Read this document to find important installation information. You can also learn about product updates, compatibility issues, limitations, and known problems.



For new features in this release, see New features in IMS Enterprise Suite Version 3.2 SOAP Gateway.

For features that are removed, see Removed features.

System requirements

For information about hardware and software compatibility, see System requirements and Software requirements.

Installing SOAP Gateway

For installation instructions, see Installing and configuring SOAP Gateway.

For information about how to apply maintenance services, see Applying maintenance services on z/OS.

Updates and fixes

Updates to SOAP Gateway are available via APAR PTFs. See the APAR ++HOLD card for instructions on how to apply the service.

Java prerequisites

Before installing or updating SOAP Gateway, download the latest version of Java that is supported by IMS Enterprise Suite from You can also order Java for z/OS through Shopz at at no charge.

Known issues and workarounds

At the time of publication, the following issues were known.
Table 1. Known issues and workarounds
Issue description Workaround
Start of changeUnable to run the SOAP Gateway management utility from a virtual IP address (VIPA) with port binding.End of change Start of changeManual configuration steps are required to run the management utility in an environment with VIPA. IMS Enterprise Suite V3.2 APAR PI57484 is required to support this capability. For configuration steps, see Invoking the management utility with virtual IP address (VIPA) port binding.End of change
Start of changeFor Java 7.1, when the iogmgmt -prop -u -java -h command is issued to set the Java home directory, a JVMJ9VM015W warning is generated. End of change Start of changeJava 7.1 by default enables compressed references. Enabling compressed references requires more memory for internal usage, especially for a ssh or telnet session, which has a maximum sized defined by the BPXPRMxx member. To resolve this issue, increase the MAXASSIZE value.End of change
RACF special characters are supported but must be handled manually. If you use RACF special characters, such as a less-than symbol (<), greater-than symbol (>), or ampersand (&), you must update the connection bundle manually.
The migration utility incorrectly detects the target SOAP Gateway release level if that level is not specified as 31. The utility uses a default target level of 22. The debug-level migration log contains informational messages, similar to the following examples, that seem to indicate a problem:

IOGU4000I: The TARGET_SG_RELEASE_LEVEL variable is configured to 22.

IOGU0036W: SOAP Gateway migration function for is not supported for source release 31 to target release 22. Additional message = none.

If your target version is specified as 32, you can ignore all logged messages that are related to version 22.
When transaction logging is enabled, but the transaction log file is deleted, no transaction information is logged and no error is reported. To resume the logging, turn off the transaction logger (iogmgmt -tranLog -off) and turn it on again (iogmgmt -tranLog -on) to recreate the log file and start the logging.
When a value other than -true or -false is specified with the send-only-with-ack flag (the -k option) with the iogmgmt -corr command, SOAP Gateway management utility does not indicate that the value is not valid. The Send Only with Ack property remains unchanged (the default is false). Use the iogmgmt -view -cf correlator_file command to view the Send Only with Ack property value. Reissue the iogmgmt -corr command to set the -k flag to either true or false.
For systems with code pages other than CP1047, some characters in the installation sample jobs, such as \ ^ ~ ! [ ] { } # | ` $ and @ in AEWIOGBP might be interpreted differently. Change the following statements in AEWIOGBP into three single calls:
"iogmgmt -prop -u -java -h $IOGJH";+
CMD[1]="iogmgmt -view -java -h";+
CMD[2]="iogmgmt -view -sgp";+
for _CMD in "${CMD[@]}"; +
do $MGM/$_CMD >>$OUT 2>>ERR;+
For example:
$MGM/iogmgmt -prop -u -java -h $IOGJH
$MGM/iogmgmt -view -java -h
$MGM/iogmgmt -view -sgp
When the Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS) feature in IBM z/OS Communications Server is used to manage secured connections to the SOAP Gateway server, you receive "Connection Interrupted" instead of a list of web services when you view the deployed web services in the SOAP Gateway administrative console. Modify the httpbase.jsp file in <soap_install_dir>/imsserver/server/webapps/imssoap/axis2-web/include/ to explicitly set the scheme to HTTPS. See the technote at for details.
The SOAP Gateway management utility iogmgmt -batch command does not catch all failed commands and report them in the batchFail.timestamp.txt log file. After you issue the iogmgmt -batch command, check the console for error messages and failed commands that might not be caught and reported in the batch command failure log.
Stopping callout threads takes a long time, and the thread pool does not stop within the graceful shutdown period of 5 minutes. SOAP Gateway waits for a maximum of 5 minutes for graceful processing of in-flight messages and stopping all callout threads and the thread pool. If the graceful shutdown does not happen within 5 minutes, the server forces the shutdown. If the thread pool does not stop gracefully within this time, and the SOAP Gateway server does not force shutdown automatically, you can force shutdown manually and restart the server to restart the callout threads:
  • To initiate a graceful shutdown of the server, use the STOP AEWIOGPR procedure.
  • To force an immediate shutdown (without waiting for the server to finish processing in-flight messages), use the CANCEL AEWIOGPR procedure.

AEWIOGPR is the default job name. Replace it with your job name if you are not using the default.

For IMS Version 13 and earlier without APAR PM90777 (the socket listening enhancement) applied, after the restart, the first synchronous callout request on each tpipe to SOAP Gateway is returned to OTMA with a NAK response. Subsequent synchronous callout requests are processed normally.

For IMS Version 14 and later, and for IMS Version 13 with APAR PM90777 applied, after the restart, the first synchronous callout request on each tpipe to SOAP Gateway is no longer returned to OTMA with a NAK response.

SOAP Gateway does not support passing of time stamp information in the response messages for web services security if the IncludeTimestamp element is included in the server policy file. You must modify your client applications or client policy files to not send the time stamp element in the request. Do not add the IncludeTimestamp element back to the server policy file.
   <!-- commented out IncludeTimestamp 
   for V3.2 -->
If a custom fault message is configured and an error occurs, the error message that is provided by SOAP Gateway incorrectly includes the name of the XML converter for processing the requests rather than the name of the converter for the fault message, which causes confusion about the root cause of the problem. When a custom fault message is configured and an error occurs during request processing, the XML converter for request processing would call the fault converter. When such an error occurs, SOAP Gateway reports the incorrect converter name. If you are getting an error message reporting issues with a converter and you have custom SOAP fault messages, check the IMS Connect console message for HWSA0380E to identify the converter that caused the failure.

For SOAP Gateway restrictions, see SOAP Gateway restrictions.

As problems are discovered and resolved, IBM Software Support updates the IBM Software Support knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base from the IMS Enterprise Suite Support Portal, you can find workarounds or solutions to problems.

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