IMS Mobile Feature Pack for z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition is now included as the IMS service provider in IBM z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition V2.0.5 (APAR PI70432) or later. The information here is provided "AS IS" and will no longer be maintained. For the latest IMS mobile solution information, see Using the IMS service provider in z/OS Connect EE documentation.

Implementation workflow by user role

Implementation of the IMS™ mobile solution involves system administrators who install, configure, and manage the server, IMS application programmers who create and publish mobile services by using the IMS Explorer, integration developers who create the RESTful API, and application developers who develop mobile applications to access IMS transactions.

The following interactive diagram describes the user roles and tasks that are involved in implementing the IMS mobile solution.

For tutorials on how to create an IMS mobile service and how to create a REST API for the service, see Tutorials: Developing an IMS mobile service and an API to invoke the service.

This interactive model provides a graphic view of the user roles involved (the system administrator, the IMS application programmer, the API developer, and the mobile application developer), and the tasks for each of these roles to install the components, create the mobile service, define the APIs, and develop a mobile application to call the service. A text version is available by clicking the Print model and steps button.