Compatibility with version 9.1.x and version 9.0.x

This topic describes compatibility of projects between the latest version and version 9.1.x and version 9.0.x.

To be compatible with version 9.5.x , projects created in version 9.1.x and version 9.0.x must be migrated to version 9.5.x. For details on migrating projects to version 9.5.x, see Migrating workspaces and projects from version 9.1.x or version 9.0.x.

Compatibility of migrated projects with earlier product versions

This section describes the compatibility of a project (or other artifact) to work with earlier versions of the product.

  • Projects migrated from version 9.0.x to version 9.5.x are not compatible for sharing back to version 9.0.x.
  • Projects migrated from version 9.1.x to version 9.5.x are compatible for sharing back to version 9.1.x. .
    Note: To maintain compatibility, you cannot use features available in version 9.5.x that are not available in version 9.1.x.

    The project must have a target runtime that is available in both version 9.5.x and version 9.1.x.

The following table summarizes the compatibility of projects migrated to version 9.5.x with earlier versions.
Table 1. Summary of compatibility with earlier versions after migration to version 9.5.x
Version prior to migrating to version 9.5.x Version you attempt to share the project with after migrating to version 9.5.x Is the migrated project compatible?
V9.0.x V9.0.x No
V9.0.x V9.1.x No
V9.1.x V9.5.x Yes

For some types of projects, you might see warning messages if you open a project in version 9.1.x that has been migrated to version 9.5.x. See Opening projects migrated to version 9.5.x or created in version 9.5.x in version 9.1.x might cause warning messages for more information.

Migrated workspaces are not compatible with earlier versions

Workspaces migrated to version 9.5.x cannot be opened again in the version it was migrated from.

Compatibility of new projects created in version 9.5.x with version 9.1.x

New projects created in version 9.5.x are backwards compatible with version 9.1.x under the following conditions:
  • The new version 9.5.x project must have a runtime target that is available in version 9.1.x.
    Note: If you open a project in version 9.1.x that was created in version 9.5.x, you will get error messages that the target runtime is not defined. This error occurs even if the target runtime is available in version 9.1.x. If the target runtime is available in version 9.1.x, then resolve the problem by clicking Project > Properties > Targeted Runtimes and selecting the target runtime that was identified in the error message.
  • The new version 9.5.x project cannot use any features in version 9.5.x that are not available in version 9.1.x

For some types of projects, you might see warning messages if you open in version 9.1.x a project that was created in version 9.5.x. See Opening projects migrated to version 9.5.x or created in version 9.5.x in version 9.1.x might cause warning messages for more information.

Note: If you open a project in version 9.1.x that was created in version 9.5.x, you will get error messages that the target runtime is not defined. To correct the problem, click Project > Preferences > Targeted Runtimes and select a target runtime for the project.

Opening projects migrated to version 9.5.x or created in version 9.5.x in version 9.1.x might cause warning messages

Some types of projects that are migrated to version 9.5.x or created in version 9.5.x can cause warning messages if they are opened in version 9.1.x. The warning message says there are "missing builders" or certain project facets cannot be found. These messages occur because the project contains metadata specific to version 9.5.x that does not exist in version 9.1.x. These messages are expected and can be ignored.
