Linguistic support for semantic search

Watson Explorer Content Analytics provides linguistic support for semantic search in most Indo-European languages and Asian languages, including Japanese.

You can use the linguistic support to improve the quality of search results.

Linguistic processing is performed in two stages: when a text document is processed to be added into the index, and when a user enters a query.

Watson Explorer Content Analytics includes basic linguistic functions that are used to determine the language of an input document and to segment the document input stream into words or tokens.

If you know that your searches will be restricted primarily to basic facet value searches or native XML searches that uses the document structure, the included linguistic processing adequately covers your needs.

Most information in text documents is unstructured, which makes it difficult to use effectively because it is not easy to access the meaning of the information.

Searching for keywords is simple, but it is not always satisfactory if you want to search beyond the mere words in the document, as is illustrated in the following examples: