Installing an agent server

You can install the agent server on a remote Windows file server or on a remote Windows server that mounts one or more file servers.


To install the agent server by using the graphical user interface:

  1. Log in as a user with administrator authority.
  2. Extract all files in the file on the product DVD, or extract all files in the electronic distribution image for the Windows Agent.
  3. Double-click the launchpad.exe file or enter launchpad.exe in a command window. Click Install Product and then click the button to launch the installation program.
    As an alternative, you can one of the following methods to run the installation program:
    Console installation
    To run the installation program in text mode from a console, change to the Agent directory and enter the following command. The screens are rendered in text and prompt you for the same information as the graphical installation:
    install.exe -i console
    Tip: After you enter the command, a process runs in the background for a number of seconds before the console installation program is displayed.
    Silent installation
    To install the product silently, change to the Agent/responseFiles directory and edit the template response file to provide information about your environment. To run the installation program, change to the Agent directory and specify the name of the file that you edited. For example:

    install.exe -i silent -f responseFiles/

    If you copy a template file to another location to edit, specify the fully qualified path for the file when you run the installation program. If the response file path includes a space, enclose the path in double quotation marks ("). For example:

    install.exe -i silent -f "c:\My Documents\"

  4. Specify installation options:
    1. Enter or verify the fully qualified host name of this computer.
      Restriction: You cannot specify an IPv6 address as the host name of the server.
    2. Enter a user name and password of an account that can be used to authorize access to the agent server.

      When you configure the Agent for Windows file systems crawler in the administration console, you must specify this user name and password. If the user ID does not exist, you can select the check box to create the account.

      To crawl a domain in a secure collection, the user ID must be an existing domain user that has permission to access the files to be crawled. To specify a domain user, use the format username@domain name. The domain user cannot be created by the agent installation program.

  5. Click Install to use the default settings for all other installation options and start installing the software.
  6. Optional: If you want to change the default settings, click Advanced Options instead of clicking Install.
    1. Use the following guidelines when you specify advanced installation options:
      • You can change the paths for the installation directory and data directory.
      • The agent server uses three TCP/IP ports for authenticating connections to the server, transferring data between the file systems and crawler server, and monitoring the agent server. The default port numbers are 8397, 8398, and 8399. If those values conflict with other port assignments in your system, change the port numbers.
    2. On the summary page, review the options that you selected and click Install to start installing the software.
  7. Restart the computer.

What to do next

After the software is installed, you must set up shared network directories that the Agent for Windows file systems crawler can access.