Perl Compatible Regular Expression Syntax

The Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) library that is used by Watson Explorer Engine implements most of the regular expression syntax supported by Perl version 5. See the PCRE entry on Wikipedia for a list of the differences between PCRE and Perl 5 regular expressions.

Watson Explorer Engine's use of PCRE is primarily focused on its support for UTF-8 characters as a match for a single wildcard character ('.'). See sites such as for more detailed comparisons of POSIX and PCRE regular expression capabilities.

Note: The PCRE word boundary (\b) sequence does not match non-ASCII characters, as documented in the PCRE documentation. To match a word containing both ASCII and non-ASCII, use the \W sequence.

Watson Explorer Engine functions such as viv:test enable you to identify the type of pattern matching that you want to use when comparing a string and a regular expression pattern by specifying an optional parameter. When creating a custom parser for a Watson Explorer Engine source, regex, perl-regex, case-insensitive-regex, and case-insensitive-perl-regex are all valid types for identifying the regular expression syntax used by your parser.