Bundling tags

9.2.5 Available from 9.2.5.

Bundling tag is a type of the ISO/IEC 19770-2 supplemental tag. It allows for unambiguously assigning a component to a product and license metric based on the part number that is specified in the tag. When a bundling tag is available, it takes precedence over other bundling rules. Thus, you can create bundling tags to facilitate the process of software classification.


A bundling tag was manually created for the database component. The tag contains a part number that represents the product and license metric to which the component should be assigned. The part number is correlated with the information from the software catalog. It is established that the part number represents Product 2.

The database component can be assigned to two products. Based on the part number from the bundling tag, the database component is assigned to Product 2. The assignment needs to be manually confirmed.


  • Bundling tags can be created only for products that are discovered by SWID tags.
  • The bundling tag must be placed in the same directory as the SWID tag.
  • The bundling tag can contain only one part number.
  • PersistentId in the bundling tag and SWID tag must be the same.

Supported schemas

License Metric Tool supports bundling tags in the 19770-2:2014-CD1 and 19770-2:2015 schemas. However, the latter is recommended for creating bundling tags. For more information about each schema, see the following links:

Example of a bundling tag in the 19770-2:2015 schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition"
  <Meta productId="PN:D0NU9LL" />
  <Link rel="parent" href="swidpath://SoftwareIdentity
  [Meta/@persistentId='b3414ccd1e364aa6b82f4e1c3adecdf6']" />
  <Entity name="IBM" regid="ibm.com" role="licensor publisher" />
  <Entity name="customer" regid="customer.com" role="tagCreator"/>