Configuring protection from the denial-of-service attacks

To protect your environment from the denial-of-service attacks, adjust the values of the readTimeout and writeTimeout attributes of the httpOptions parameter in the server.xml file.


  1. Adjust the values of the readTimeout and writeTimeout attributes.
    1. Open the server.xml file. By default, the file is in the following location.
      • Linux /opt/ibm/LMT/wlp/usr/servers/server1/server.xml
      • Windows C:\Program Files\ibm\LMT\wlp\usr\servers\server1\server.xml
    2. Change the value of the following attributes of the httpOptions parameter.
      • readTimeout - the attribute specifies the amount of time to wait for a read request to complete on a socket after the first read occurs.
      • writeTimeout - the attribute specifies the amount of time to wait on a socket for each portion of the response data to be transmitted.
      Starting from application update 9.2.29, the httpOptions parameter is included in the server.xml file. For earlier application updates, add the parameter and its attributes inside the httpEndpoint parameter for which id="tema".
      For example:
      <httpEndpoint host="*" httpsPort="<port>" id="tema">
         <tcpOptions soReuseAddr="true" />
         <httpOptions readTimeout="15s" writeTimeout="15s"/>
      Important: If you set short timeouts and you have a slow internet connection, the License Metric Tool user interface might not load.
  2. For the changes to take effect, restart the License Metric Tool server.
    1. Stop the server.
    2. Start the server.